Posse Foundation

<p>Since I am reading a ton these days for my new career in college admissions counseling I try to post here anything I may find that may be useful to Hispanic students. Today's find is the Posse Foundation. Here is the link: The</a> Posse Foundation </p>

<p>I haven't had a chance to thoroughly read the website but I think it could be a useful resource for Latino students. Be sure to take notice of the partnership colleges and their scholarship opportunities.</p>

<p>I found this recent article which explains it a bit more. [Beyond</a> SATs, Finding Success in Numbers - NYTimes.com](<a href=“Beyond SATs, Finding Success in Numbers - The New York Times”>Beyond SATs, Finding Success in Numbers - The New York Times)</p>

<p>If you live in a Posse Foundation city and you meet their criteria you might see if you can get a nomination.</p>

<p>It’s a really good scholarship program which matches you with excellent and mostly liberal arts schools. They take their support even past financial needs and provide special training workshops which help you before you enter college. On top of that, the “Posse” groups that are created are support systems for students, and make it more likely that a student will graduate from college within four years. </p>

<p>Some people may scoff at the college choices they are partnered with, but these colleges are excellent and the program tries to match you with one that you fit with. College ranking isn’t everything, and there can be a lot of benefits from smaller liberal arts colleges which aren’t available in larger public colleges. </p>

<p>The process to get the scholarship is very long and competitive, but don’t be discouraged. You never know until you try.</p>