Posse Scholarship- Ask Away!

Dressing professionally is always good, but business casual should be fine. If wearing a suit will help you feel more professional, you can wear a suit, but if it will make you feel uncomfortable and stiff, then go with business casual. My daughter wore slacks, a blazer, a turtleneck, and oxfords.

Good luck!!

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My daughter had her 3rd interview 2 nights ago. She was told by the Posse personnel that official results would be communicated next week. But, she also heard from other finalists that they got texts that same night, with Zoom links for a meeting. If she didn’t get a call /text the same night, does it mean that she was not selected for the scholarship?

When researching, I read that finalists heard that night, but there was nothing official on that. My son had his 3rd interview on December 1st. He heard from them on December 5th that he was not selected. We knew it was a long shot but still disappointing.

Good luck to your daughter!

So sorry about your son, I can understand how you’re feeling. My daughter still hasn’t heard from Posse, so there’s a mix of anxiety, sadness, disappointment, while still trying to hope for the best. Did your son sign up for Posse access, and has he heard from other Posse universities? Have they reached out to ask him to apply?

He did sign up for access, but I don’t believe he’s heard anything. There are two other Posse schools that he was going to apply to anyway. One is a target school, and one is a safety. Maybe Posse will provide a little boost?

I hope so. Good luck to your son!

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what do i do if i wanted to change the small application i had to fill out before the second interview if I already submitted the application

Contact the office by phone or by email and ask them.