Possible mistake about UIUC engineering in US News grad rankings?

<p>So, I was checking out the grad engineering rankings today and was looking at the column that shows % of faculty in National Academy of Engineering. I rememember MIT, Stanford and Berkeley having between 10-18% of their faculty in NAE. Most schools % membership in NAE was in the single digits. Anyway, UIUC's was around around 3.7% i. Then I casually checked out UIUC's engineering page here:</p>

<p>College</a> of Engineering Facts | Engineering at Illinois | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign</p>

<p>If you scroll down there is a section that lists Faculty and honors and apparently there are 47 Profs inducted into NAE. If you divide that by the total number of profs you get 11%!! That would certainly make a big difference and possible raise U of I's ranking. Can anyone check on this? I apologize in advance if I've made some stupid mistake in calculating this cuz i really doubt US News would make a mistake like this but i just wanted to check on it for my own satisfaction. Thanks</p>