Possible severe weather Tues./Wed

<p>At 9:45 am, S texted: “Everything good here. Rain pretty much passed. Light rain now.”</p>

<p>^^That’s good news.:)</p>

<p>Here in Georgia the weather is getting worse. Lol…even before the latest tornado warning was issued I noticed all three of our dogs grabbed their tennis balls and toys and headed for their dog houses. That’s never a good sign. They’re pretty reliable.:slight_smile: Stay safe everyone.</p>

<p>High winds and no power here…it’s going to be a long day.</p>

<p>@ Areomom - I am impressed !!! </p>

<p>Did your S actually text you without you starting the string??? I don’t think our S has ever started a string…and you got 9 words and punctuation??? You must be paying bonus $$$$ for character count, I usually get 1 maybe 2 words (as few as he can get away with)</p>

<p>Guilt prevails, I’m afraid.
He has been sick recently, and in fairly regular contact (unusual)…but the very moment he got better, all communication ceased (again). Sigh. His response about the weather was in response to my numerous texts asking about the state of affairs down there, the final one of which went something like: “you need to communicate even tho you are no longer sick. it is not fair that you only text me when you need to feel better. [sad face]”</p>

<p>MemphisGuy - I was thinking the same thing. Texted DS last night to make sure everything was charged up, flashlight and water handy in case he had to spend time in hall or without power (april '11 flashback), did not even get a “k” in response. Granted this is the child who finally called after my e-mail saying I guess I’d have to fly in to see how he was doing since he was so busy. Got him worried as his big sis is now a flight attendant and he knows I can do it, going to love her perks. </p>

<p>Bamagirls - LOL they may be more prepared than DS.</p>

<p>It is truly amazing for far in advance these storms are predicted.</p>

<p>God Bless those who have lost their lives and homes in today’s storms. The video is heart wrenching.</p>

<p>Just saw the tornado in Georgia. :(<br>
Glad all is well in T-Town.</p>

<p>Same system passed thru here yesterday. It looked very ominious with tornado watches and hail. Straight line strong winds. It passed right thru our area just after middle school was to get out and all of the principals were telling walkers to “get home asap”. Thankfully, all we had was straight winds and some heavy short term rain. It seemed to build as it headed east. It is very brisk behind this system and the winds today are strong and chilly.</p>