Possible to change your major?

<p>Heya, people!</p>

<p>Im an international applicant for CMU, and Im just crious about possiblity of converting </p>

<p>major at CMU..</p>

<p>I applied EDII for Mechanical Engineering in CIT. But is it possible to change major I initially </p>

<p>chose, which is ME in CIT, to Mathematical Science in MCS? If it's possible, can i change it </p>

<p>once I enter as freshman? or is there any certain period I have to wait for?</p>

<p>your effort towards my question will be greatly appreciated, and I wish you a Happy New </p>


<p>p.s. has anybody got idea when applicants will be notified for EDII? thx!</p>

<p>I would email admissions/ a guidance counselor and ask them.</p>

<p>thx alot!
I was thinking of doing that as well, but I thought it would be easier to ask hereā€¦</p>

<p>Thank you very much and wish you a Happy New Year :D!</p>