Possible to Mix / Match for PSAT Qualification SAT Scores?

<p>I qualified for PSAT Semifinalist but I heard that in order to be eligible for finalist, one must submit a qualifying SAT Score. Well, if multiplying the PSAT Cutoff by 10 is SAT Score required, then I'm 20 points off. But if I'm able to mix and match math/reading scores from the old SAT, then I'm set. Is that possible? Am I allowed to mix and match OLD SAT scores with NEW SAT scores for the PSAT Finalist requirement?</p>


<p>i think you are. great job becoming semi</p>

<p>where did you hear that you multiply by 10 to get the required SAT score? I thought the qualifying score used to be like 1250 total or something, which shouldn't be hard for any semifinalist. </p>

<p>Dunno about whether mix and match is allowed, but somehow I doubt it.</p>

<p>2400 has a point. I mean if you score 220 but doint get 2200, that doesnt mean ur not qualified</p>

<p>see <a href="http://www.nationalmerit.org%5B/url%5D"&gt;www.nationalmerit.org&lt;/a>. below I've pasted what they say about becoming a finalist. I think they're being intentionally vague on what it takes to "confirm" your PSAT score with an SAT score. Maybe they don't know yet what to expect with the new SAT writing section. Notice that they do say that they don't use the essay score at all. </p>

<p>They're not clear either on whether they mix and match. My guess is probably not. </p>

<p>FWIW, I have never heard of someone not being able to qualify for finalist based on their SAT score. </p>

<p>Here's the info from the NMSC website: </p>

To become a Finalist, you must confirm your PSAT/NMSQT performance with scores on the current SAT Reasoning
Test OR with scores on the old SAT and old SAT Subject Test in Writing. It is your sole responsibility to:
1. take the SAT on a date(s) authorized by NMSC; and
2. request that the College Board SAT Program send an official report of your SAT scores to the
National Merit Scholarship Program (code 0085).
You can register for the SAT online at <a href="http://www.collegeboard.com%5B/url%5D"&gt;www.collegeboard.com&lt;/a> or by mail. To register by mail you need a
Registration Bulletin which is available at your school counselorÂ’s office. If your high school does not have
a copy, telephone the SAT Program to request one (609-771-7600).
The SAT Program will not report your scores to NMSC unless you request it, and you cannot substitute a
photocopy of the score report sent to you or your school for the official report. Send all testing and score
reporting fees directly to the SAT Program.
• Authorized SAT administrations
Scores earned on national administrations of the current SAT Reasoning Test from March 2005 through
December 2005 OR scores earned on national administrations of the old SAT and old SAT Subject Test in
Writing from October 2003 through January 2005 will be considered by NMSC. Scores from a national
SAT administration taken earlier than October 2003 or later than December 2005 will not be accepted.
Your verbal/critical reading score, math score, and writing multiple-choice subscore will be the basis for
determining whether you meet the confirming score requirement.</p>

<p>I know. I saw their website. But it doesn't say anything about the qualifying score. I read on collegecofidential that you just add a 0 to the PSAT cutoff to get the qualifying score..</p>

<p>Wait so in my state the qualifiying score would be 2030??? <<<------- sounds pretty easy.</p>

<p>I heard you add a 0 to the LOWEST qualifying score of any state...again, this isn't an exact, just a general.</p>

<p>that makes sense. I'm sure I remember that several years ago the qualifying score was only about 1300. and back then the selection index was (2xV)+M, so that means the lowest state PSAT qualifying score would've been high 190's. </p>

<p>I'd bet that the "confirming" score this year ends up being about 2000.</p>