<p>Yeah, well the only reason I say 20 days is because school starts in september and I'd like to be able to request convincingly that I would like to get Calculus AP. Note, I would still have to take the Precalculus class for the credit, but I'll be able to take Calculus AP as well.</p>
<p>So the basic question is 1. whether I will be able to pass a precalculus class final with a B with this book in 20 days of learning and 2. whether I would be able to survive in calculus AP with this book I have.</p>
<p>I should also probably elabourate more on this book since some of you guys aren't too familiar with it. </p>
<p>The book is divided into three sections: Geometry, Algebra and Trigonometry. </p>
<p>The geometry section is about 30 pages, its full of all the hardcore basics and topics of geometry. I'm not too worried about this since I think I am pretty good with Geometry. It goes as far as describing some theorems I have never heard of: Ceva's Theorem and Brahmagupta's Formula. </p>
<p>The Algebra section goes through most topics I remember going through this past year in Algebra II in 55 pages. Here are the specific topic headings from the table of contents:</p>
<p>*) The real line
*) Integral and fractional exponents
*) Polynomials and factoring
*) Linear and quadratic equations
*) Inequalities and absolute value
*) The concept of a function
*) Lines, circles and parabolas
*) Logarithms
*) Polynomial division
*) Determinants and systems of linear equations
*) Arithmetic and geometric progressions
*) Permutations and combinations
*) The binomial theorem
*) Mathematical induction </p>
<p>Finally there is the Trigonometry section, now I am not familiar with trig and this is probably the part I have to study most closely. In the book its about 25 pages for this chapter. The topics it goes through is radian measures for angles, trigonometric functions, values of sin,cosine,tan for certain special angles, graphs of "", the major identities, inverse trig functions, law of cos and law of sines, and some complete proofs of identities. </p>
<p>"Unlike many textbooks dealing with precalculus mathematics, this volume contains none of the unnecessary "padding" in the form of irrelevant digressions or obscure formalities that tend to confusie even the brightest students."</p>
<p>Now I am wondering whether this content in the book will be able to prepare me for a precalculus final exam. When the author says "Precalculus Mathematics" does he mean the mathematics basics to learn precalculus, or the actual mathematics of precalculus that I can use to learn Calculus AP? </p>
<p>What do you guys think?</p>