Post Office - Part 2

<p>Lattelady, thanks for that. My D just got a UPS box, will call them them now.</p>

<p>So I just called, but they want my D to bring the coupon in before getting credited the amount of the discount… so where can she find a coupon :-)</p>

<p>Is that $78 a year or 6 months?</p>

<p>I saw the special advertised in the new student guide that came in the mail (while we were already in AL moving her in). I will see if I can find the guide and scan the page. If so, I’ll report back here and you can send me your email address for a copy. </p>

<p>Chardo, I don’t recall what the length of the rental is.</p>

<p>I just hope that USPS is replaced in the Ferg with a UPS or FedEx branded store that can handle the load. While I agree a box off-campus is an alternative, that isn’t exactly convenient either. My S has his car there, but giving up a parking spot to get a box or being at the mercy of 348-ride after classes isn’t exactly savory either. My guess is that USPS knows the gig is up (both locally, and nationwide) and they just have no incentive to staff appropriately or perform appropriate with the staff they have… <sigh></sigh></p>

<p>Looks like the rental is for the entire year. Here is a link to the pic I snapped of the coupon:</p>

<p><a href=“Dropbox - Error - Simplify your life”>Dropbox - Error - Simplify your life;

<p>The UPS store coupon is on the inside of the cover page of the Crimson White Student “Newspaper” (looks more like a magazine…very nice) that came to our home after move-in day. DD opened a box for the year also. One nice thing is they are open on Saturdays until 4:00 pm and I believe they are open later than the post office each week day as well.</p>

<p>USPS is being replaced with UA employees (Campus Mail) as of May. Mail delivery will likely be run in a similar way to that of large companies where the major mail/package carriers will have set pickup and delivery times, but UA will handle postage and final delivery of the mail/packages.</p>

<p>Sent a package to son with the correct address for his post office box via USPS 2-3 day mail last week. He has still not received a slip in his mailbox. This is really disappointing.</p>

<p>He may not get the sip in his box, seekingknowledge. He may need to go to the counter and ask. My son had to do that for one package early on. He has a couple of packes waiting for him now, but refuses to wait in line. I hope he did wait today, since one of the packages has items he needs for class tomorrow. Actually, 2 of the packages have items he needs for tomorrow.</p>

<p>Thanks vlines…I’ll let him know.</p>

<p>Daughter’s package has been there since Friday (according to tracking), still no slip and yesterday after waiting in line was told that it wasn’t there! Called customer service and have a case number for “missing” mail. Voicemail left last night by my local PO saying I needed to call the Tuscaloosa PO since the tracking says it is there so it must be on the shelf and she obviously can’t go look for it since she is here. Really???!!! That is the extent of finding my package??? GRRRR! Hubby is in Tuscaloosa and will be standing in line with DD Friday afternoon :)</p>

<p>Are the problems with the Ferg PO this year because they know the lease isn’t being renewed? It doesn’t seem like these problems existed last year. I can’t figure out why they’d suddenly start now. Or were there problems last year that just weren’t posted here?</p>

<p>We never had this problem last year. D picked up a package on the first day of class without any issues or lines. Sea-tide mentioned they are short a full time employee, so I guess that could be the cause. </p>

<p>The one time D had to wait longer than 20 minutes was when waiting for a Valentines package I sent.</p>

<p>Before this year, the longest line I ever saw at the Post Office was 45 minutes. While the impending closure gives reason for USPS to consider reducing service, there are still 8 months left in the contract.</p>

<p>Based on my conversation with UA, the contract with USPS was not renewed because UA wants the space in the Ferguson Center for other things and neither side wanted to sign a short term contract.</p>

<p>There will always be a wait for Valentine’s Day packages because “everyone’s going to be getting a Valentine’s Day package from their momma.”</p>

<p>I just got a text from D - she’s standing in line at the post office to pick up a package but isn’t sure she’ll get to the front of the line before she has class. Since her next class isn’t for nearly two hours, that doesn’t sound good! I think a complaint to the local postmaster is in order.</p>

<p>beth’s mom~ not happy to hear. I think daughter is in that line, but she has 3 hours before her next class. Did your Daughter ever get a slip in her box?</p>

<p>I’m not sure if she got a slip or not, but I think she did. I have delivery confirmation, so I told her to go. The package has been there a couple days, but the lines have always been long and D didn’t want to wait. I think she figured if she doesn’t at least try she’ll never get the package. Unfortunately, I’ve also had a book shipped where we’re not going to get delivery confirmation. I just filed an online complaint (not that I think that’ll do any good). I think I’m going to call the postmaster as well about the inadequate staffing. I told D to be extra nice to the postal employee if she ever reaches the front of the line - being the only one staffing the counter when there are hours-long lines has to be stressful.</p>

<p>Just talked to the postmaster. He’s already sent a second person over there (D confirmed a 2nd employee just arrived) and he has a third person on the way. Maybe the lines will start moving more quickly.</p>

<p>D has her package. The long lines are unfortunate, but I have to admit that when he heard about the problem the postmaster acted immediately the rectify the situation.</p>