Care Package Fail!

<p>Obviously I didn’t pay attention at Bama Bound. Just sent DS a care package last week and got it back today. I take it that the post office in the Freg is allergic to boxes. I assume that means I have to take it to UPS and have it sent to Paty. So how does this occur? Grrrr. Yes, it was my own fault. Don’t you just hate it when that happens???</p>

<p>How did you address it? Does your son have a PO Box?</p>

<p>Yes, he has a P.O. box. Apparently they only take letters in it.</p>

<p>I have successfully sent my son several packages to his PO box at the Ferg using the following address:</p>

<p>Student’s Name
104 Ferguson Ctr # (PO box number goes here)
Tuscaloosa, AL 35486-0004</p>

<p>^ yes, I have sent many packages to son’s box as well using that formatted address. If you sent it via USPS to his PO Box address, they should have delivered it. </p>

<p>What is the reason it came back?</p>

<p>i have sent packages to the po box too. not sure what happened.</p>

<p>It had a sticker on it that said “refused.” (Lots of boxes, that one was checked.) DS checked last Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday. No alert in his box. He didn’t ask at the counter, I don’t think, but one would think there would have been some kind of note in the P.O. box. Did they think I sent something dangerous? LOL</p>

<p>We just sent one successfully last week.</p>

<p>BTW, Yes, ProudBamaMama, that is the address I used. So odd. Either way, looks like UPS is now on my “to do” list.</p>

<p>i would go back to the post office and have them resend it - no charge.</p>

<p>i told my DD she could have a little business just delivering care packages/presents from CC parents! there are many times when i would like to send my daughter a little something … something i know she would like (like a pie for her birthday or something), but there is no easy way to do that.</p>

<p>want cupcakes delivered to your kid? call katie! : )</p>


<p>Would gladly hire Katie to deliver cupcakes to the boys of her old room! Would be one way to get a female in there.</p>

<p>And I second taking the package back to the PO and having them resend it at no extra charge. What was the reason it was returned?</p>

<p>It just said “refused.” Don’t know who refused it or why. Certainly wasn’t DS. There were a few treats in there-ha. I’m afraid if I send it back by the P.O., it will get refused again. Big mistake not insuring it. Maybe I should have somebody sign for it AND insure it this time.</p>

<p>I also sent several packages both USPS and FedEx to DS with no problem. I was told to make sure that the address did not have the words “P.O. Box”. And follow the format
Student’s Name
104 Ferguson Ctr #
Tuscaloosa, AL 35486-0004</p>

<p>class2012mom - have they not had any girls in the room??? haha! maybe they just aren’t telling you!</p>

<p>amcm4kim3- yep, Mine looked just like that. </p>

<p>Considering Katie’s cupcakes for DS. Could be fun. :-)</p>

<p>MikeW - I’m afraid that it’s been strictly testosterone in there this year. Probably so much testosterone and unwashed laundry that sadly there have been no female visitors yet.</p>

<p>Froshmama12 - I’d call Tuscaloosa post office manager Roger Davis at 205.553.8155, explain how the package was addressed and ask why it was “refused”.</p>

<p>I just sent my D a priority flat rate box last week, addressed to her PO Box. The 2-3 days it was supposed to take somehow stretched to 6 days, but a notice was placed in her PO Box and she picked up the box at the counter. Somehow I suspect the 6 day old cookies were eaten.</p>

<p>If I use the 104 Ferguson Center #[Beth’s PO Box] address, will the post office accept UPS and FedEx packages? I’ve heard that was the case but haven’t tried it yet.</p>

<p>I’ve only sent packages via UPS to my S’s PO Box - things sent through Amazon or other vendors - that have been delivered o.k. using that address formatted that way. </p>

<p>We had PO issues last week but nothing that would help anyone if I posted about them, so no need to share.</p>

<p>Beth, they have accepted the fedex we have sent to the PO box.</p>

<p>^^ Good to hear. That means I can stop jumping through hoops with Amazon to make sure the packages I’m sending to Paty don’t get subcontracted to the post office.</p>