Post Office - Part 2

<p>I’m surprised this is the first that the postmaster has heard about the problem. Regardless, I have to say that beth’s mom knows how to get things done!</p>

<p>I’d be surprised also. But at least when he knew there was a problem today, right now, he fixed it. Kudos to him!</p>

<p>And for those with kids with packages to be picked up, tell them that NOW might be a good time to go get them.</p>

<p>I sent my D to pick up her package today because I had received notice that it arrived at the Ferg yesterday and was signed for there. She had no slip in her box, but stood in line and told the person at the desk she had a delivery confirmation. The person told her she had to have a slip. I am worried because her birthday is tomorrow and I’d like her to have her presents on her birthday. I wouldn’t want her to have to wait until Monday for her gifts. The last time we shipped a packed to UA it arrived in 2 days, but she didn’t get the slip until 4 days later. I thought the package had been lost since it took so long for D to get a slip.</p>

<p>linnylu~my Daughter’s birthday package has been sitting at the PO since Friday and she still hasn’t received a slip. Today she stood in line for the second time this week and the gentleman that helped her looked for her package but could not find it (again). He said he would try to look for it some more during the day and would put a slip in her box when it is found. As nice as that sounds, I’m not too confident that will be anytime soon with how far behind they seem to be with the packages. I’ll cross my fingers that your D gets her package tomorrow!! Maybe since it arrived recently it is at the top of the pile?? :)</p>

<p>I just don’t get that explanation. Are we to believe that the staff working there in the previous week or so did not report this and that UA staff haven’t fielded complaints about this issue? I am thankful they are allegedly addressing it, but what took so long? My son has accumulated 5 slips but every time he goes, the lines are just too long for his schedule… <sigh></sigh></p>

<p>My son having same problem. He had some supplies in the packages that he ultimately had to buy at Supe because he could not wait in line. So I have paid for them once, and he has overpaid for them once. </p>

<p>Kinda stinks. </p>

<p>I tried to call the other day, but did not get through, and have been too busy to try again.</p>

<p>Sea_Tides post from 8/22 when he contacted them: </p>



<p>Is Roger Davis who you contacted Beth’s mom?</p>

<p>I just sent an email complaint.</p>

<p>Yes, I spoke with Roger Davis. I would call and let him know about the packages with delivery confirmations and no slips. He certainly seemed eager to get the long line problem resolved today - he jumped on it immediately.</p>

<p>My son finally received his package today! Fits it ships, wasn’t worth the cost. However, I am happy he finally received his package. Thanks to all that have notified the powers to be to the issues we are all having. We can only hope that things will get better…</p>

<p>When I called, Roger Davis had either just become or was becoming the acting postmaster, which might explain why he has been so willing to send people over to the Ferg Post Office. Regardless, more help is a good thing.</p>

<p>I’m currently having a problem with a package being 2+ days late and still showing as being dispatched to a sorting facility on the other side of the country on Monday. As the package is being shipped to a university department (many grad students can receive university-related mail at their department), the Ferg Post Office is not the issue. Luckily, the package is insured.</p>

<p>anyone hear what the lines are like today?</p>

<p>Update on Daughter’s package: when she went to the ABXY game night she stopped at her box and found a slip with a note written saying that it was found, set aside on his desk and to come to the front of the line the next day. She went first thing this morning and she was told that somehow her box number was misread and her package was labeled “box closed” and was in a pile to be returned to shipper.</p>

<p>Vlines~Just asked daughter what the line was like. She said when she went 3 hrs ago it was long and there were two working the counter.</p>

<p>Thanks for the update. How many have been working the counter. 2 or 3?</p>

<p>Sent from my DROID RAZR using CC</p>

<p>I know that when she went first thing Tuesday morning there was only one working the counter and when she went yesterday at lunchtime there were two. Don’t know if a 3rd ever showed up yesterday or not. Anyone else know?</p>

<p>Also not sure if this is 100% true, but my son told me there was a single line for all services, instead of say one line for package pickup, and another for other services like opening a new PO box, etc. If true, that is absolutely ridiculous. I am trying hard to be patient, but this isn’t rocket science here. It may well be true that this all tapers off and becomes irrelevant by mid-September, but even if true… OVER-STAFF IT UNTIL THE DEMAND TAPERS. How difficult of a concept is that???</p>


<p>Keep in mind that the Post Office is run by the USPS…not by the school. </p>

<p>Contact the Post Office office with your issues and recommendations. </p>

<p>This time should be treated like Christmas time…extra staff. But, it’s up to the USPS to do this.</p>

<p>I just read that Yale ishaving the same post office issues UA is seeing. Long lines, lost packages at the USPS run postage center on campus.</p>

<p>As for good news, my package arrived today.</p>

<p>USPS has some issues in that the number of packages arriving has increased with the introduction of street addressing for UPS and FedEx packages, but staffing has not.</p>

<p>As an update to the option of using the UPS Store, the location near campus does participate in the controversial USPS product surcharges, meaning that there is a $1.50 surcharge for a book of stamps (that are sold at cost at the Publix across the street) and similar surcharges on other USPS products. There is also no afternoon/evening mail pickup, which is unhelpful when one usually needs to mail items later in the day.</p>

<p>It’s too bad that Tuscaloosa doesn’t have a Staples (where UA has an office supply contract), Office Depot, or Office Max near campus as all three would offer UPS/FedEx and USPS shipping at list prices and with the occasional discount.</p>

<p>Did anyone else who used the online complaint form get a phone call? A very nice employee of the Tuscaloosa PO called me to apologize for the long lines and said that beginning tomorrow they will be implementing a new system to help alleviate the problem. </p>

<p>Starting tomorrow, students picking up packages will use a side door instead of the main window. She said the long waits have been because so many students were also renting PO Boxes and that process takes 10-15 minutes. </p>

<p>Hopefully this will help some.</p>

<p>I did not get a call, but I requested an email instead of a call. So we will see if I get something.</p>