Post Your Essays For Future Applicants

<p>sorry!! i thought u were but preppy made me think he</p>

<p>oh lol sorry that essay made me think he was a</p>

<p>Peopleā€¦ Donā€™t post your essays online. Thatā€™s just inviting plagiarists to copy them, because, trust me, adcoms donā€™t have the time to check every essay for authenticity. Put simply, once you post something online, it just doesnā€™t belong to you anymore and you donā€™t have the right to be angry at anyone who takes it.</p>

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<p>Tom, youā€™re right, and I thought of your point when I made this thread, but in the end I decided that the pros outweighed the cons. Posting essays would definitely help future applicants, and most of us here have integrity. The ones that do plagiarize will have it come back to them sooner or later, and essays tend to be very personal and unique anyway. The Stanford (or Brownā€¦forgot which one, sorry!) essay thread is super helpful and has acted more of a guide than a free essay bulletin, and Iā€™m hoping that this thread can act the same way.</p>

<p>i canā€™t find the stanford OR brown essay threadsā€¦ could anyone link them? thanks so much !</p>

<p>Thatā€™s because I listed the wrong school. D: /failll Gah, Iā€™m really sorry about that! It was U of Chicago:</p>

<p><a href=ā€œ[/url]ā€>;/a&gt; <ā€“Still going strong since 2006. 8D</p>

<p>There ARE little threads of ā€˜post your essayā€™ things on the Stanford board, though. You can search and find them.</p>

<p>maybe we should just post our essays nowā€¦besides im curious to see what people wroteā€¦</p>

<p>Iā€™m not, my essays were intensly private. Itā€™s not that they had any big secret in them but they were such an insight into me that I had difficulty letting my immediate family read them let alone a board full of people. Sorry.</p>

<p>Luls candid, that was def one of the reasons I made this thread :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: </p>

<p>Although for anti-pedo reasons, if you have your real name/school/living place, you might wanna change it. xD</p>

<p>i understand blueā€¦should i post mine now idk</p>

<p>pm me if you want to see mineā€¦that way it can stay more private :)ssrs</p>

<p>Blue, thatā€™s totally understandable and if I were you Iā€™d feel the same way.</p>

<p>Haha YES, candid! Have the honor of being the person who was brave enough to post it before they knew their decisions. :D</p>

<p>Okā€¦here goes nothingā€¦well actually something :slight_smile: Also Iā€™m not saying for which school it is and which question. if you know donā€™t say anything cuz i donā€™t want to make it ridiculosly easy for those who will try to plagarize:
As a third grader, while at home from school, my mom suggested that I watch the movie, The Diary of Anne Frank. This inspired me to learn more about World War II and the Holocaust. I became amazed at how people were affected by the Holocaust, like Anne, and this interest influenced me to read books about adults talking about their childhood as Jews in the Holocaust. I tried hard to fathom how I would feel if my family and freedoms were taken away, just because of religious beliefs. What also surprised me was how people could bow down to Hitler and the Nazi party, and follow these extreme rules. Now as I am older and more interested in politics and what goes on in the world, I think I would design a project exploring the Holocaust and how it relates to modern day events. Being an avid CNN viewer I watch things going on overseas and how people are manipulated and led into kneeling before terrorist groups. My research project would revolve around the idea of how terrorists and other extremists play on peopleā€™s fears, allowing them to gain followers. By this I mean how groups are able to persuade people into giving them power when they have such exclusive ideas. What I would hope to learn is how groups are able to gain followers and how the countries current state may aid them into achieving this. Also, this project would allow me to learn how other countries follow or rebel against these leaders and parties, and what causes them to do so. Learning about this and sharing my findings could also give other students in my class an understanding of how people react to these situations, and as future leaders, learn what we can do to prevent these events from happening again. I love politics, and even if I never become a politician or a government official of some sort, I want to try to understand how events like these happen, and how we could find ways to prevent them from recurring in the future.</p>

<p>wow now no one says anythingā€¦ouch ssrs</p>

<p>uhhhh bump</p>

<p>Is this essay for Andover?</p>

<p>thx assign you just ruined itā€¦yes it is ssrs</p>

<p>Wow candid, thatā€™s such a good topic! We didnā€™t post cuz we were all busy reading it and being mesmerized :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: And it sounded sincere and well thought too. Awesome essay. And assign, she specifically said for us to not say what school it was for. xD</p>

<p>thxā€¦idk why but i have a thing for world war 2ā€¦legit i loveeeee cnnā€¦anderson cooper 360 rox my sox :)</p>