Post Your Winter 2008 Schedule:

<p>Ask your TA/professor.</p>

<p>GE Cluster 23b
Spanish 5
French 1
E&SS 16</p>

<p>I'm taking French only because I reaaaaally want to learn lots and lots of languages before I graduate. Every class I'm ridiculously excited for, except maybe not as much for the science, but only because I'm poor (not but unenthusiastic) in the subject. =]</p>

<p>OMG Take Jonathon Allen! His class makes me happy.</p>

<p>Whoops. I'm also taking a really awesome Fiat Lux. So here's the real schedule.</p>

<p>GE Cluster 23b
Spanish 5
French 1
E&SS 16
Fiat Lux with Terraciano</p>

<p>how's english 4w?</p>

<p>are there midterms and finals for this class?..if not then i'd take it...otherwise i would just take another writing 2 course that fulfills a GE so that i could take 2 birds out with 1 opposed to just fulfilling writing 2 with english 4w</p>

<p>Really depends on your T/A. Expect 20+ pages of writing. Some throw out a ~20-30% midterm; some don't. </p>

<p>You're going to need to take two Writing II courses anyway... whether it's English 4W and Scandinavian 50W or Scandinavian 50W and Asian American 10W. The thing that limits your choices is actually enrolling in Writing II courses since they're high demand.</p>

<p>Ahh, the schedule of classes lies, McLean isn't teaching Astro 3. Anyone know anything about a Professor Huffman?</p>

<p>I heard he's pretty good. I'm going to take his Astro 5 Winter qtr.</p>

<p>I think a Professor Cline is teaching Astro 5... but yeah, I may end up taking 5 too, I think I want to save Astro 3 for when McLean is teaching.</p>

<p>Cline's pretty good too right? I forget.</p>

<p>The reviews on Bruinwalk are kinda mixed, but generally people say he's kind of a boring lecturer but that the tests are fairly easy... I'm a North Campus major so as long as it's easy I don't care</p>

<p>Math 3B
Chem 14B
HC M165</p>

<p>I hope I can get into the HC..there wasn't any pre-reqs listed... :)</p>

<p>Doesn't matter. You just sign-up for HC courses.</p>

<p>Will Rogawski get filled up by 2nd pass? :( it's 46/120 right now and I used priority already...I might have to pick it up if it gets to 100 or 110</p>

<p>People will drop... there are going to be folks who fail Math 31A and who will not be able to enroll in 31B.</p>

<p>quick question, do you think physics 6A will fill up by the time 2nd pass come around (my enrollment date for 2nd pass is on 11/28)? I'm debating between using my priority pass today for Physics 6A or Chem 20B w/ Scerri (can't do both)</p>

<p>Ok... change in plans. I think I'm doing Physics now so how does this schedule look? (I've never take physics before)</p>

<p>Chem 20B
Chem 20L
Classics 20
Physics 6A</p>

<p>Oh and does anyone know who EL ALAOUI, M. is for physics 6A? I didn't find this professor on Bruinwalk.. Thanks!</p>

<p>stats 10
mgmt 1a
hist 97

<p>Yes! I'm actually ENROLLED (not waitlisted) in a writing II class! SWEET!!!!</p>