Pot vs. Alcohol

<p>I just re-read alot of the posts in here and I have a few more points to make.</p>

<p>Alot of people at my school are the same idiots who think people who drink alchohol are badasses, but look down on people who smoke. It's absurd.</p>

<p>Someone made a really good point. Alchohol and pot both have social connotations. Pot is widely considered something that migrates from the ghetto to the suburbs. Alchohol on the other hand is something to be admired. Wealthy businessmen smoking cigars and drinking scotch is an image easily identified with. Shows like Boston Legal, where two lawyers smoke cigars and drink at the end of every episode doesn't help. Alchohol is sometimes a sign of wealth and power. That's nonsense.</p>

<p>I totally agree. There are a lot of guys at work (30- and 40-somethings) who are very self-righteous. They criticize pot smokers as if they were the scum of the earth, as if they were junkies. Then they brag about how drunk they got over the weekend and how they can't WAIT to go home and have a beer. At Christmas when the office does the white elephant gift exchange, the most popular gifts are always the bottles of rum, scotch, wine, or 6-packs. There's a big fuss about nabbing the alcoholic gifts. It's not only acceptable but considered very cool to drink.</p>

<p>The double standard is nauseating. They're total hypocrites and they can't even open their minds enough to see that THEY are drug addicts!</p>

<p>I used to think it was a generational thing, but I'm not so sure anymore because I've seen it with younger people too.</p>

<p>Yeah I have a lot of friends who get drunk every weekend but REFUSE to touch pot. I don't want to encourage the use of drugs, but I feel like their reasoning is totally off.</p>

<p><strong><em>, *</em></strong> *<strong><em>. Mother mother *</em></strong>, mother mother *** <strong><em>. Mother *</em></strong>, mother ***, noy snoy snoyge. One two, one-two-three-four, noy snoy snoyge. Smokin weed, smokin whiz, doin coke n drinkin beers. Drinkin beers, beers, beers, Rollin Phatties, smokin blunts, who smokes da blunts? We smoke da blunts. Rollin blunts n smokin em.....</p>

<p>Jay from Clerks. Great movie.</p>

<p>Great, great movie.</p>

<p>I'm in the awkward position of being an 18 year old who wishes the drinking age were 18 not because I like to get wasted--I can do that whenever I like, legal or no, within my social circle--but because I like a glass of wine with dinner.</p>

<p>I used to smoke a lot of weed. I don't anymore. It has its upsides. It has its downsides. To me, things like endorphins are more fun when you're not constantly THC-ed.</p>

<p>for me. I'd rather smoke pot than drink. But I'd rather just do neither. And I wouldn't legalize anything. I'd just allow people to do whatever they want.</p>

I think that white America has created such a taboo around weed that most people have skewed opinions about it. Movies and books often associate it with poverty and corruption, which leads us to believe that marajuana is BAD...while alcohol is simply the chosen beverage of sophisticated adults.


<p>Exactly. Even the word "marijuana" is a Spanish word, and people get the impression that marijuana is grown by dirty and poor Mexican farmers for the consumption by dirty and poor blacks and whites, while alcohol, with names like Bacardi and Absolut, flow from the sophisticated distilleries in Europe. It's class and race discrimination all rolled up into one marketing wet dream.</p>

for me. I'd rather smoke pot than drink. But I'd rather just do neither. And I wouldn't legalize anything. I'd just allow people to do whatever they want.


<p>Words of wisdom! I would add only the phrase '...as long as they don't harm anyone else.'</p>

Even the word "marijuana" is a Spanish word, and people get the impression that marijuana is grown by dirty and poor Mexican farmers for the consumption by dirty and poor blacks and whites, while alcohol, with names like Bacardi and Absolut, flow from the sophisticated distilleries in Europe. It's class and race discrimination all rolled up into one marketing wet dream.


<p>Very astute!</p>

<p>Bacardi was founded in Cuba. Very far from Europe.</p>

<p>I hate alcohol and I don't smoke or do pot. I'd ban all of them because they cause addiction and are bad for your health.</p>

<p>Pearlygate, you are smart! Too bad more people aren't like you.</p>

<p>(I'd ban processed sugar, caffeine, and meat too while I'm at it.)</p>

<p>Now, how would you ENFORCE such a ban?</p>

<p>Alas, people should have the freedom to do whatever they want, as long as they don't hurt anyone else.</p>

<p>The tough question is, should people be allowed to do things like smoking cigarettes, which cause lung cancer and consequently drive up the cost of health care? Does their self-induced illness affect others?</p>

...as long as they don't harm anyone else.'


<p>I wanted to add that but I was too lazy to edit.</p>

<p>For guys, pot. Pot can make you sterile and give you erectile problems. Nuff said.</p>

<p>nothing is bad for you if taken in moderation.</p>

<p>I gotta disagree with you on that, stuck on 1700. Just because the reverse is true -- too much of anything is a bad thing -- doesn't mean nothing is bad for you if taken in moderation.</p>

<p>care to give me an example or two? because I can't think of anything that is harmfull in small quantities - other than drugs maybe.</p>

<p>There ya go. Drugs. And household cleaners.</p>

<p>drugs are harmful in any amount. And alot of everyday stuff is deadly.</p>

<p>Not all drugs!
Pot is not harmful in small amounts. Neither is prescription drugs. </p>

<p>Heroin on the other hand....bah. </p>

<p>P.S I think that cigarettes are by far the worse drugs out there!!!</p>

Pot can make you sterile and give you erectile problems.


<p>I hadn't heard that one nor ever heard of anyone that had that happen. Can you tell us where you found documentation on that? It would be interesting to know. I'm not saying it's not true; I am just wondering where you got the info.</p>