Potential LACs, other uni's...

<p>Hey guys-
I was kinda hesitant about posting a thread on the chances forum because i really hate the whole idea of it, but i couldnt help myself after getting my new (and improved) ACT score today... Im just a junior that is pretty open to suggestions, but mainly i want to either an LAC or smaller private (NW, emory, tufts, ect...). Again im not set on this, but im leaning towards anthropology with a more biological focus, as well as a strong environmental studies/sciences program. Ultimately i want to go to med school, so high med school acceptance rates are important, but i really just want an awesome undergrad experience beforehand. So lay out some suggestions please...</p>

3.9 gpa with an upward trend (3.6 fresh. to 4.0 junior)
31 Act (35 eng, 26 math, 31 read, 30 sci)---im boycotting the SAT btw
top 5% of class-competitive class, not competitive hs
No hooks that i know of...im white, middle class, small town ohio
basic ECs:
various music/band programs thru hs: marching, jazz, concert-- sont get confused, im no band geek
talent in art- Ohio gov. art show top 300-4 works in 2 years
buckeye boys state delegate
various community service projects
plan to volunteer at hospital this summer
work 10-15 hours week all year, plan to lifegaurd this summer as well
umm...i live in the middle of nowhere, so its impossible to do big research endeavors and what not, but i try to make a difference with what i have...
oh yea-im a swimmer, 2nd year letterman, 3 school records
theres some others, but i think you get the general idea...</p>

<p>so if anyone has some potential reaches, matches, and safeties for me, please fire away! oh and also i want to stay in the eastern half of the country for the most part- as far west as chicago, to boston, to down south....</p>

<p>FIRE AWAY!</p>

<p>Some schools for you to look at:</p>

Trinity C.
Wesleyan U.*
Connecticut C.
Union C.
DePauw U.
Colorado C.
Washington & Lee
Colgate U.</p>


<p>Hope this is of use.

<p>thanks for the input...</p>

<p>so what do you think my chances look like for some bigger universities such as:</p>

<p>Northwestern, Tufts, Duke, Emory, ect., as well as some of the lesser ivies:cornell, brown....</p>


<p>If you wouldn't mind staying in state, check out Denison and Kenyon.</p>

<p>bumpity bump bump</p>

<p>Tufts and Emory are matchy...</p>

<p>Duke is a bit reachy, although if you ED your chances are much better.</p>

<p>brown tough reach
cornell tough reach</p>

<p>I'd start with a community college.</p>