PP Pros and Cons

As we are in decision time, would anyone like to chime in on what you have learned or what you know about the conservatory, both positive and negative?

I private mesaged you. :slight_smile:

can you PM me too please? I have the same questions.

@elliefit1 done!

Could I also get a PM? We are also trying to decide about Point Park.

@JoGall sure

@JoGall, done

And one more!? Particularly curious about voice.

@librarygirl8, done!

Since there are others on here now, I just messaged GSOMTMom about summer stock opportunities and in-campus auditions. How does the program help students get summer work? And what about master classes? Do they bring in casting directors periodically?

They do have what’s called common hours. I’m not sure how often it is, but they will bring in experts in a related field. An interesting recent one was someone who came to talk about the vocal cords and everything around it–very useful information. Occasionally a former student who is now working will come back and do a master class to maybe teach a dance combo from their show. The school has a relationship with Binder Casting and it seems they come in for master classes.

For the most part the students make summer stock happen for themselves. Classes, shows and rehearsals take precedence though and sometimes a show schedule may cause them to miss summer stock auditions. Pittsburgh CLO has a summer season and they can audition for that. It’s on the level of the MUNY in St. Louis, however, so that’s a bit of a lottery but a great experience for real world auditioning. There is Pittsburgh Musical Theater and Front Porch Theatricals in the city. I believe quite a few students were cast at Front Porch this year. Just like after graduation, students have to be motivated to get out there and audition, schedules permitting.

Just a bit more on summer stock opportunities, if comparing to a school that brings theaters on campus for auditions, give thought to the location of those schools. They tend to be in more remote places and farther from theater epicenters so I believe the schools help by bringing the theaters to them. Pittsburgh is a city with a pretty strong theater scene and even tv and film. Also, the megabus leaves from downtown to NYC about 3 times a day. So far the most expensive fare I’ve seen is $49 each way if booked at the last minute. It’s usually less if the tickets are purchased farther in advance.

They also had A-1s on campus this year, and I believe are planning to do that next year as well.

Do kids ever road trip to NYC for shows?

@SoILMThopes To see shows? I imagine it happens among groups of people.

The MegaBus to NYC is like $30-40 bucks. Except when the jack the rates up for Thanksgiving LOL.

$10 on a Saturday if you book about 4 weeks in advance, but only on Saturday (I’ve checked many many times)

Good to know, thanks!

@GSOMTMom can you PM me too about Point Park MT BFA please? My D has acceptance from very small, supportive program and since she is a bit young I’m a little worried about the size of PP. any info you have would be great!!