Point Park Audition Process

<p>I’m auditioning at Point Park this weekend and I’m just wondering what their audition is like. How is the day set up? What do you do first? Thanks</p>

<p>The Point Park thread (a few below this one, right now) has some descriptions- this year's auditions are on the last few pages of the thread.</p>

<p>re point park audition day. First you take the piano placement test then a tour, then onto singing and your monologue, then dance. A list is then posted if you're not on the list you're out. It's an uncomfortable process.</p>

<p>Do I need to bring my own CD? Or is there a live accompanist?</p>

<p>No, you don't need to bring a CD - they have an accompanist</p>

<p>I just wanted to clarify that there are accompanists at on-site auditions in Pittsburgh. However the unified auditions need a tape or CD.</p>

<p>For people looking at scheduling Point Park auditions. My D just received her confirmation with the times. You get a time slot in the morning and then you need to be available for one of the 2 dance calls in the afternoon. 1:30-2:30 or 4:30-5:30. They do have one hour for MT and acting walk-ins but that is very limited.</p>

<p>Hi, Pohsmom -- Our son will be going to PP on Nov. 8th (his first audition). We live in NJ and will be driving up on Friday and staying with friends. How did you know about the 2 dance call times. We read the paperwork and only saw that there would be dance calls in PM if the student's name is listed. Do you have any other info we may have overlooked? (Is your daughter a MT or D major? Our son is a MT major). Thanks and maybe we'll be at the same audition.</p>

<p>PS My name is Marci (Maril) on this site.</p>

<p>I'll be auditioning at Point Park on November 8th too-- my first audition as well.</p>

<p>I wanted to do the November 8th audition, but I didn't get to send my headshot/resume in yet. So unfortunately (or maybe fortunately, who knows) I probably won't be auditioning until January.</p>

<p>OOOOOoooops. I forgot that this wasn't the Unified's thread about auditions. My information on the 2 dance call time slots and morning time slot was for NYC Unifieds.
So sorry if I messed everyone up. I'll be more careful next time.</p>

<p>I have a quick question for everyone who has already done the audition questionaire. What size photograph did you send in? I don't think they specified what size they wanted, and I'm just wondering if I really need to send a full sized headshot, because I will have to order more and wait to get them, and I really want to send the thing in asap. Thanks!</p>

<p>ballerinabeyler - As the mom of an MT senior at PPU, we have used hundreds and hundreds of headshots and have always used an 8 x 10 or 8 1/2 x 11. Be sure to put your name on the bottom under your picture. At first we were using professionally ordered headshots but that became entirely too expensive. The last photo shoot my daughter had done with a photographer from Hollywood provided us with the CD of all of the digital shots and we just print out what she needs on a good photo printer - it has worked fine for all kinds of auditions, professional and university. Hope this helps.</p>

<p>I thought the Point Park audition was a very chill, painless process. They gather all of the auditionees and their familys in a ballroom, you take your piano placement test (its difficult, but bears no importance when it comes to addmitance). Then you are broken up into groups and given a tour of the school. 22 kids auditioned on my day, and they placed us all in a dance studio accross from the audition room, with a piano so that we could warm up if we chose too. They went in alphabetical order. We were alowed to sing one song, and perform one acting piece. Once everybody was finished singing and acting, they gave us time to change, and held a very simple ballet group dance call (for placement purpose they told us). An hour was given for lunch, then the callback list was posted. 7 kids (4 boys, 3 girls) were called back for MT, I was one of them. We all watched eachother sing another song. And that was it! (4 people were called back for the acting program as well). I just heard back from Point Park, I recieved $8000 dollars in talent scholarship and $3500 for acedemics! One MT acceptance down, many more to hear from…or so I hope! (I am a boy, btw)</p>

<p>svb0000, I’m auditioning at the Jan 24 audition and I’m quite nervous! Do you know if the ballet combination was adagio or allegro? And, did you pick which peices you performed or did they? And for the callbacks, was it the same people who saw you perform earlier? Ah! I’m so nervous!</p>

<p>lol you honestly have nothing to be nervous about. for you to be asking me the question was the ballet combo adagio or allegero must mean youre already a dancer. it was adagio, very simple, very short, i promise! honestly, somebody with only one year of ballet training would have been fine in the audition. we were allowed to pick the peices we performed, they gave us a sheet right when we got to the audition, one spot for a song and one spot for an acting peice (so we got to sing one song and perfrom one monolouge, yes we picked). as for the callbacks, it all depends on who gets a callback! i assure you though, if you get one, you’ll recognize whoevers in their with you, because you already did the dance call with them and sat in a waiting room with them. anymore questions??? I hope i could be of help!</p>

<p>I’m going to be at the unifieds, I gather from your posts you went to the school, do you have any idea of what the differences might be?</p>

<p>ooooo im sorry! i honestly have no idea!!!</p>

<p>I was curious about the Unifieds, too. I’m doing them in Chicago.</p>

<p>Oh well ha ha I guess we are on our way into the unknown. Thanks anyway though.</p>