Pre Acceptance Indicators?

Hey everyone so college results for RD are going to be out soon and I was just wondering if there are any ways you can know about possible acceptances. So I’ve seen colleges send those advertisement emails because of your SAT or ACT grades but is it possible that colleges will send you more ad emails or emails in general before they accept you? I know likely letters are there but are there any other pre acceptance indicators?

Not to my knowledge.

@iwannabe_Brown Hmm thankss

Also do any of you think that you’ll have a lower chance of being accepted if you don’t get emails?

I don’t think any of those emails mean anything unless it’s one telling you something from your app is missing.

What about when they ask kids for more supporting detail for financial aid before the acceptance is announced.

Is that a sign of an upcoming acceptance?

NO. This way madness lies.

A few schools send out likely letters (ex. you are likely to be admitted) but that is only to a handful of their top applicants. For most students, for most schools you just have to wait it out.

None of these things can be seen as signs. Colleges are smarter than that.
And it was written: “At the end of days, many false signs and false prophets shall come before you. But you must keep your eye on the truth, the decision date email.”