
<p>How do i start? What classes do I take? Im considering Pre-Law, but what do i major in. I want to major in a field in business. Would that work? Can i be Pre-law and major in business?</p>

<p>Did you look at all the info on the UW-Madison website? There’s a bunch of info about pre-law, including pre-law advising contacts. Some current students or alums on CC can probably give you some perspectives, but the basics are all covered really well on the website IMHO.</p>

<p>Major in whatever you want. Anything. A high GPA does help in getting into law school.</p>

<p>Barrons is right. Major in anything. My grt uncle majored in chemistry then went to UW Law. Patent attorney.</p>

<p>Good point- If you have an idea what kind of law you want to do it can help to major in that field or one related to it. But that is not true for most undergrads.</p>

<p>Ditto on reading the website info.</p>