Pre-med? and also safety?

<p>Firstly, would Ohio State be a good school to start a medical career at? I’m really interested in the pre-med route and Ohio State seems to have a pretty good medical track. True?</p>

<p>Secondly, I loooooved Ohio State when I visited but my parents aren’t so convinced. They say that alot of crime occurs there and that its too “urban” and too large for me. Your thoughts?</p>

<p>tell your parents i could be worse, my brothers room mate was held to gun point in college park maryland</p>

<li><p>I know a heck of a lot of Pre-Med and Pre-Pharmacy kids here at OSU. They all seem pretty darned happy with their choice of college, and what with OSU Med Center right here it seems like it’s a pretty good program. Maybe do some snooping around online to see if it’s got a reputation…?</p></li>
<li><p>OSU is pretty safe I think, on-campus. It’s got all the typical stuff you would expect, including a student escort service, campus police, Columbus police, safety phones (you know, those brightly lit randomly distributed phones that the campus police can rush someone to in like two minutes flat), etc. The area around campus isn’t too bad either, unlike some other colleges I know of (Case Western, U Cincinnati) that are in pretty sketchy areas.</p></li>

<p>I don’t think it’s a bad school for pre-medicine.</p>

<p>I consider OSU generally safe. It is in a city, but any crime I’ve heard of occurred when people weren’t being smart. Don’t wander around alone off-campus after midnight, or don’t leave your doors open/unlocked with no one around and you should be good.</p>

<p>I was worried about safety too when I was applying (and so were my parents). I think that if you’re just careful and use good judgement (don’t walk alone at night unless you have to, especially off campus, etc.) you can stay pretty safe.</p>

<p>Ohio State has a great medical school…</p>

<p>I have heard nothing terrible about the safety on campus. Apparently, aside from the random bums on high street and occasional student vandalism, there isn’t much to worry about.</p>