Pre-Med at Davis?

Hello, could someone give me insight as to how the pre-med life is at Davis? I’m going there this year! It would be really helpful if someone that went there could talk about it! Thank you so much! Anything said is greatly appreciated!

I don’t know but congratulations. What a wonderful accomplishment!

Only suggestion is to get plenty of rest and exercise. Over the summer and the fall. Don’t party too much out of the gate. Premed and prehealth majors can get steamrolled first semester.

Also don’t feel the need to take gen chem, bio, mv calc and physics first semester. Lol. Break it up and get used to the pace.

Lots of really smart kids like you in all of these classes, so don’t think you’re overmatched.

Study Organic Chemistry every day for 6 months, including informally auditing for a whole semester of classes of the required course. When you register to take it for credit, it should already be easy for you.

Davis has a lot of pre-health resources if you choose to take advantage of them.

Pre-health LLC
Pre-health Ambassador Network
Annual Pre-Health Conference
Pre-Med Bootcamp
Med Prep Program

My daughter is a NPB major, just finished 2nd year, with the intention of applying to medical school. Chemistry and Organic Chemistry have proven to be the most difficult classes by far, even if you were an A student in HS–that’s pretty much everyone at Davis. The dorms host free tutor sessions for chem, so take advantage of that. Also, get a study group going. Good luck!