Pre Med at VT or VCU?

<p>I'm very confused about where to go. I'll probably major in biology with a concentration in pre-med. I don't know whether to go to Virginia Tech or Viginia Commonwealth Univeresity. VCU is more organized in the medical area, but Virginia Tech has a better reputation, they are more prestigious. I believe VCU may give me more internships. Idk about VT, is there internships and volunteer experiences available for pre-med students? Is there alot of pre-med students at tech, i feel like everyone is there for engineering. Some information on Pre-med at VT would be nice or your opinions about where i should go.Can you please help me make the right decision. Your help is appreciated.</p>

<p>In this particular situation, with VT in a small town, and VCU, large city, VCU wins. There are so many hospitals in which to volunteer which in turn, leads to internships. VCU is better known outside the state of Virginia than in-state. With so many pre-health programs, if you were to decide Med school isn’t in your future, plenty of programs to transfer. Your grades, research, and MCATS are the true ticket to Med school…not that undergrad had more prestige. (unless of course, you were comparing Havard)</p>

<p>VCU has a great medical hospital and momray is right, there are many local hospitals to intern with. But, you need to consider the whole picture as far as being a student there as well as considering your academics. VCU is a very, very different school in terms of student body- as diverse as you can get, and location- as urban as you can get. It isn’t for everyone. In my opinion, you have two schools that are almost polar opposites of each other! :)</p>

<p>VT has some dynamic science programs, too, and is a tremendous research university. You have a brand new Carillion Medical school that just opened and many of the Roanoke hospital facilities taking in VT pre-med/science kids for internships/research. So, it isn’t like you wouldn’t have options there as well. </p>

<p>If it were me, it is no contest- VT all the way. Not because of prestige, because of the whole VT undergrad experience. But, as one poster put recently “if the shoe fits” you at VCU better, go for it…and do great. Good luck to you!</p>

<p>VCU will offer you a wider variety of choice for internship in the sciences, but for everything else I think VT would be the wiser choice. With prestige, research opportunities, education, and recognition accounted for, VT will prepare you better as a student as well as well an applicant to medical school.</p>

<p>VT’s bio program is pretty nice. I would advise you to get your BS in Biology from the Agriculture college instead of the Sciences college. The two degrees are exactly the same, but being in the college of agriculture, you have much more scholarship opportunities.</p>

Im having this exact same dilemma can anyone help?

Both schools programs are fine. It is a matter of which environment would you prefer for the next four years.
When visiting VCU we were told by default all undecided students were defaulted to biology majors. One is in the city and the other a rural area. Two completely different campuses. If you are planning on med school and cost is an issue I would choose the one which would allow you to graduate with the least amount of debt or debt free. Since both campuses are so different once you go for Freshman student admit days you will be able to figure out which campus you like better. Both have great research opportunities.