UVA or VT Honors?

<p>I was accepted into both University of Virginia (UVA) and Virginia Tech University Honors.</p>

<p>I'm planning on majoring in psychology with a minor in biology, going on with the pre-med track. I know UVA has the better pre-med program and everything there is strong academically. However, after going to Days on the Lawn, I really saw myself more at Virginia Tech, after going to Hokie Focus and wandering campus for two days.</p>

<p>I'd be happier at VT. However, will getting a degree that's not in engineering at VT hinder my chances from getting a job after four years, or will it prevent me from going to medical school if I decide to go that route?</p>

<p>Comparing UVA and VT, which has a better job recruitment after college?</p>

<p>What benefits will I have in the VT Honors program?</p>

<p>I don't want to go to UVA because it's so competitive and I don't think that environment is right for me. VT environment seems more welcoming to me. I'm just worried that getting a degree that's not engineering from VT will hinder me from getting a good job.</p>

<p>Is it difficult to get internship/volunteer/shadowing opportunities?</p>

<p>If you want to go to Med school, you will need a high GPA. This might be easier at VT than at UVA where as you said the competition is more intense. My D graduated from VT in English ( gasp!) and is duly employed with a media organization. She had no problem getting internships. She loved VT. My son is at UVA and is loving it. It looks like you’re are a better fit for VT. Good luck with your decision.</p>

<p>@guillaume‌ Thank you! Any suggestions for seeking internships? I’m the first to go to college in my family, so I don’t know much. Who do I go to to get in touch with internship opportunities at VT? </p>