Pre med major Enjoyment vs. usefulness?

<p>Hi, I plan to go to medical school and I've read as long as the prequsite science classes are taking my undergrad can be anything. I would really have fun majoring in Art (animation) but I know being bilingual (spanish major) would be more usefull even though I wouldnt enjoy it as much. Which would be the best bet?</p>

<p>Also I know a year of biology is required for med school. I have already taken anatomy and physiology at a CC but none of the other prerequsites (I plan to do math at the CC as well.) Would I need to retake biology at a university or will taking the other scince classes at university still make me look okay?</p>

<p>I don’t know how adcomms would view animation as a major. I guess it would depend in part on how your college pigeonholes it Would your program be consider a fine arts program? Business program? Vocational? Computer science (as in computer-animation)?</p>

<p>Med schools demonstrate a strong preference for academic majors (like Spanish) over any of the above (except compsci). The other potential downside of animation is that both studio art and computer programming are enormous time sinks that may leave you little time to do well in your other pre-req classes or to engage in ECs.</p>

<p>Med school require a full year of intro level bio. Unless you already have credits (from AP bio or dual enrollment in high school, for example) for into bio, you will need to take at your 4 year. (Besides the MCAT requires knowledge of topics taught in intro bio but not in A&P. See: <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;)</p>

<p>IMO. Anything studio related is just not a good fit for a pre-med. Just lots and lots of time sucks. That combined with starting at a CC would not be a good choice. Pick an “academic” major.</p>

<p>I wouldn’t suggest it. Art projects of any type take huge quantities of times to do and you will need huge quantities of time to study for your prereq’s.</p>

<p>I am not sure about the specific major you mentioned. However, I would like to comment on Computer Science. I did MS in CS and have been doing programing for well over 25 years. My son is majoring in CS and will apply to med-school this year. I hope his application gets equal consideration as they say it would… </p>

<p>When he was deciding on CS major, I expressed some concern that CS grades don’t count towards BCPM GPA and if he ever needs to boost that GPA, he might end up taking a lot of science courses. Besides grading in school of engineering at his U is notoriously hard. He said that he liked CS and that there is no such thing as an easy major. He was right. He has close to 4.0 in CS classes.</p>

<p>Programing assignments don’t take a long time for everybody. Those who like programing tend to finish them in good time. My son really likes to program. I guess he got that from me :)</p>

<p>I would say, in general, its a good idea to select a major that interests you. Most folks tend to do well in subjects that interest them. It may mean that you have to demonstrate to the ADCOMs that you can handle the science courses by taking them at your college and doing well. From that point of view taking those at CC is probably not a good idea. As I was going through the MSAR, I came across a few schools that had some kind of cautionary note against pre-reqs from CCs.</p>