Pre med track acceptance

<p>Okay, so I am considering the university of Miami as my undergraduate college. Once I'm accepted (well hopefully accepted at least) if I declare pre med am I automatically accepted into the pre med program? My mother is a pediatrician and her college was selective of their pre med students and not everyone was accepted. Does anyone know how miami treats their pre med? Thanks in advance </p>

<p>There is no “pre-med track”, it’s a set of courses you take that allow you to apply to med school. Anyone can take those courses, as they are just the same courses everyone else, even non pre-meds, takes. </p>

<p>Whether or not they let you in the pre-med advising program is a different story. Different schools may have different requirements, though most of the schools I know of don’t restrict who they let in, though they don’t necessarily write committee rec letters for everyone. Again, this varies by school, some write them for everyone or don’t write them at all, others are restrictive, which is the kiss of death if you don’t get one.</p>

<p>Most everything you need to know about UMiami pre-health advising should be located here:
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