Pre-orientation programs

<p>Any one going? Besides the fun and getting to know students, would it be good to attend so that we can move in earlier?</p>

<p>My son did the river trip last year. He thought it was huge fun, and yes, when we came back to campus for the parent orientation (when the rest of the freshmen were moving in) it looked much, much more chaotic than when he moved in four days earlier.</p>

<p>My daughter went on the camping trip before her first year and had a great time. On top of having a lot of fun, it gave her a higher level of comfort during orientation because she had already connected with a group of people. She is still very friendly with one or two people from her trip and enjoyed her experience so much that she became part of COOP and will be a leader on one of the camping trips in August. </p>

<p>Being able to move into the dorms early is the icing on the cake. As Garland is much less chaotic to move in early.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>