Pre-Physical Therapy

Does anyone have any experience with this at UA?

Does UA publish placement rates for this major/program anywhere?

@aeromom Do you mean number who apply vs number accepted?

Not sure if Bama “publishes” this because it’s usually useless info. I know some schools do, but numbers are easily manipulated to “look good”. Acceptance into professional schools is largely based on each student’s achievement, not anything really the school “does”. Schools don’t “place” kids into professional schools. Students apply, and qualified ones generally get accepted.

When DS2 was applying to med schools, I had a nice talk with then-UA director of Pre-Health Advising Dr. Chris Hutt. For med schools, Bama premeds have a very high % of acceptance…as long as they have a qualified application (GPA, MCAT, ECs, LORs.) Likely the same exists for other preXXXX applicants.

My DD is doing this via the Athleic Training program. Feel free to message me with any questions.

My DD is graduating in May with double majors in Exercise Science and Spanish. She had 3 acceptances to DPT programs near our home in Atlanta and will be attending Mercer in the fall. Her experiences at Bama were impeccable as far as preparing her for DPT admissions and for helping her narrow down her clinical interests so that she could make a final choice. Within her Exercise Science major her tracks were adaptive sports and pre-physical therapy. She had an incredible internship at Shepherd Spinal Center last summer, along with intensive hands-on experiences in Tuscaloosa (i.e. Working with multiple adaptive sports teams, developing a physical activity program for severely disabled adult clients at RISE and training the staff to implement it, etc). The admissions process went very smoothly for her and she was prepared in every way.

Whoo-hoo Whitlo daughter!!! You go girl!!!

Thanks Aeromom. It’s very exciting to see her hard work and long time goals coming together. I would add that seeking out multiple internships and shadow experienced is critical. This needs to be student driven–go beyond what is required and be open minded about a variety of settings snd patient populations. Grades and test scores are important. But so was the Statement of Purpose she submitted to each program and so was the ability to speak knowledgeably about clinical experienced during group interviews. The Spanish major was also a huge asset as far as setting her apart from other applicants.

Congrats to @WhitLo 's DD!!!

Can you please make a mention in the Bama Brags thread? Thanks a bunch!!!