Pre-Reqs for UCLA and Berkeley

<p>I attend a CCC and I'm applying for jr. standing transfer for fall of 2009. </p>

<p>On the application I put down Philosophy, but I'm missing one pre-req for UCLA. </p>

<p>Berkeley has no articulation agreement at all, so I assume that means they don't accept/ require any pre-reqs. </p>

<p>I am IGETC certified as well, but how much will missing one pre-req affect your chances?</p>

<p>I think this boils down to common sense. All things being equal, if it comes down to you and another applicant for the last philosophy slot and they have the pre-req and you don’t, they’ll get in and you won’t.</p>

<p>If your have a high gpa, good extra curriculars, and an outstanding personal statement…you’ll be fine.</p>

<p>ECs do not really matter for transfers to UCLA.</p>

<p>1 preq is not going to kill you.</p>

<p>Does it matter when a major pre-requisite is completed? For example, does completing a pre-req class or two in the Spring 09 semester hurt your chances as opposed to completing all of them by the January grade update?</p>

<p>I thought pre-reqs were crucial for UCLA. Am I missing some sarcastic undertone somewhere? This is why I didn’t apply to UCLA. D:</p>

<p>philosophy is a relatively good sized department and there are very few applicants.</p>

<p>missing one pre-req won’t kill you. i didn’t find out until i got here and discovered many of my fellow phil majors are missing one pre-req. the philosophy of mind one, i believe.</p>

<p>you get to take Phil of Mind (Phil 7, the intro one) at UCLA and you’re pretty lucky. it’s hard, but you get to learn cool stuff about Frege. Unless it’s Almog. I suggest you wait until someone else teaches it. Don’t take Almog and Cumming, they’re both awesome for upper division, but they have unrealistic expectations of their students when it comes to Phil 7. That’s in my opinion, after tutoring several students in Phil 7. They were learning stuff I learned in Phil 127A. This is about Almog, but i’ve met many disgruntled students that had Cumming for Phil 7.</p>

<p>Wait for AJ Julius, if you happen to go to UCLA. He’s a real nice guy and a very organized professor. I haven’t heard anything but praises for him. Especially for Phil 6.</p>

<p>Thanks xleper17, your post was really helpful!</p>

<p>Do you think I have a good chance for Philo at UCLA? I looked at the stats online and UCLA reports the following for last year’s applicants:</p>

Admit rate 66.30%
Avg GPA of applicant 3.35
Avg GPA of admits 3.49
Avg GPA enrolled 3.44</p>

<p>I have a 3.5gpa, with a strong upward trend in grades. My first semester at CC, I messed up and got two C’s. Since then every semester has been increasing with the last two semesters at solid 4.0s. </p>

<p>The chronological sequence of each semester went something like 2.6<em>3.7</em>4.0_4.0.</p>


<p>It wont effect your chances, you’ll be fine.</p>

<p>i think you have an excellent chance. i hope you do attend UCLA. the phil department here is outstanding and i couldn’t imagine being happier with great faculty, amazing grad students and a very exciting and challenging curriculum.</p>

<p>transfers don’t really have the best tools when it comes to integrating themselves into the department, however the professors are patient and understanding. they do take into account the effort you put into the class and it can mean the difference between a B- and a C+.</p>