<p>How many people at school use that book in their hons. pre calc classes?</p>
<p>I have that book. Do you mean the one with the colorful horizon and random blue lines?</p>
<p>I would assume Schaum's outline of PreCal to be a better study guide; but thats an opinion deduced from the Schaum's Calc outline.</p>
<p>Nope it the one with a calculator on its cover and its ADDISON WESLEY</p>
<p>i have heard of it, but we use Precalculus and Discrete Mathematics by UCSMP.</p>
<p>Is that book plain idiotic or anywhere useful?</p>
<p>well i only just started using this specific book, but i have been using the UCSMP series throughout high school and they seem to be pretty good. there are about 9 or 10 lessons per chapter with a practice test and chapter review at the end. there are examples in the text and the text itself is pretty easy to understand. did you want to know anything else?</p>
<p>my school use "ADVANCED Mathematical Concepts Precalculus with Applications"</p>
<p>I have
Precalculus with Limits
A Graphing Approach
Third Edition</p>
<p>I hate it.</p>
<p>Chaostheory, you're not even taking Precalculus...Stop researching books you're not going to use yet.</p>
<p>Masterus= stalker.</p>
<p>I use that one :)</p>
<p>im pretty sure we used that one, but it was a fairly old version.</p>
<p>we use that graphing approach book...except we don't call it honors though we cover teh same stuff...my school doesn't slap on the honors title to classes</p>
<p>precalc was easy though</p>
<p>By Hungerford? That book is the bane of my existence.</p>
<p>i use that one</p>
<p>Mine is </p>
<p>Precalculus: Mathematical Concepts for Calculus</p>
<p>My school uses Precalculus: A Graphing Approach.</p>