<p>GPA weighted: 4.2
One C in Spanish 5H first semester junior year, everything else As and Bs.</p>
<p>SAT: 2210 (but took it again in March, still waiting for scores.)
CR: 700
Math: 710
W: 800</p>
<p>AP Bio: 5 (Does it give me an edge that I took the AP test Freshman year without an AP bio class?)
AP Chem: 3 :(</p>
<p>Taking 3 APs 2 honors this year.
classes: AP Eng Lang, AP Physics B, APUSH, Spanish 5H, PrecalcH, choir, journalism</p>
<p>Taking at least 5APs next year.
AP Eng Lit, AP Econ (undecided between reg and AP, but likely AP), AP Comparative Gov, AP Spanish (should I?), and AP Calculus BC. Also staying in journalism and advanced choir.
Would it hurt my chances if I skip out on an AP science next year? I'm a bit scared to step into AP Physics C, as I'm barely passing B.</p>
<p>Currently involved in CSF (kinda like NHS), BuildOn (volunteering), two school publications: art magazine and newspaper, and Forensics (debate). Never went into sports, but wouldn't mind joining some amateur club in college. Was in band in middle school, and will probably pick it up again. (do colleges care?)
Would colleges take choir and journ less seriously if I'm also taking them as courses (since it's required)?</p>
<p>I joined almost everything only this year, with the exception of choir (10th and 11th) and art magazine (9th and 11th). I also took dance in 10th grade.</p>
<p>I'm aiming for Oxford (I know, "yeah right."), Brown, Yale, UCLA, Dartmouth. In order of preference. Safety schools are UCSD, Riverside, etc.</p>
<p>Hoping to major in something related to psychology/neurology AND involves field research. I love biology, but I'm not a fan of labs (isolation and monotony: my two worst enemies.) Am still very undecided major-wise.</p>
<p>I've heard that psych is a useless major that has a very low payoff. Is that true?</p>
<p>I haven't checked out that many colleges, so I'll take recommendations too. :]</p>
<p>What else do I need?</p>
<p>Thanks in advance!</p>