Predicted IB Scores


<p>For students who apply to American colleges and universities using predicted IB scores (kids from the UK for instance), what sort of predicted scores would top schools be looking for?
Also, is there any site or source for this information?</p>



<p>It depends from school to school.. Based on the predicted scores from my school and the acceptanes, all the IVY's, Stanford, and MIT generally look for 40/42 or above... This is just a ballpark figure though, since the admission process depends on a lot of other factors.. You could get in with less then that, and you could be rejected with more then that.. Yet the higher the predicted, the better chance you have, all other thing being equal..</p>

<p>This CCer...elodie, had a 39 predicted and got into harvard :)</p>

<p>A friend of mine last year had 41 predicted, got into UPenn and Wellesley and Carleton. Final mark was 43. :)
Another was predicted 40, I think, and got into Vassar.
Another was predicted 35, got into Carleton.</p>

<p>I don't think there are any official sites for this. All of it is individual school-based, though my friends advise sometimes lookin' at whether a school gives credit for whole IB Diploma or only the Higher Level exams and see if that gives a sense of what they're lookin' for. For example, Middlebury gives one-year credit for 36 full diploma with 666 on HL exams (I think?) only or something. let me check.</p>

<p>From horse's mouth <a href=""&gt;;/a>

Students who have completed the full IB Diploma with a total of 36 points or more, including three higher-level grades of 6 or 7, are eligible to apply for sophomore standing at Middlebury. Students having fewer than 36 points, or fewer than three scores of 6 or higher, may receive the equilvalent of two course credits for each higher-level examination passed with a score of 6 or 7. No credit is awarded for standard level exams.


<p>Hope this helps.</p>

<p>i got a predicted score of 36. it didn't get me into harvard but it got me into boston college, boston u and northeastern. i'm happy with that.</p>

<p>oh and suffolk university in boston gives sophomore standing to applicants with a score of 28 or higher.</p>

<p>i got predicted a 44 and got a 42, with 7,7,6,5 in HLs. rejected at HYP, and waitlisted at williams. as an international, it is so much harder to get in even if you have perfect scores. i think my friend had a 44 and got rejected everywhere too. At HYPMS etc, a good IB score would need to be paired up with some extraodinary EC (like sports recruitment) for acceptance. Because IBs are regarded equally to APs, a good IB score alone wouldn't really mean you have a higher chance. Generally, the lowest IB score for IVY leagues (cutoff) is 38, with special attention paid to higher levels.</p>


<p>Thanks so much for the answers everyone!! They have been most helpful.</p>

<p>I appreciate it. Thanks also to Roby and cheers, who pm'd me. I hope this thread will answer some questions for others as well.</p>

<p>Thanks again.</p>

<p>andi xoxo</p>

<p>:) Welcome.</p>

<p>And congrats to the son. :D</p>

<p>I was predicted a 44 and got rejected at MIT, Caltech and Stanford. Waitlisted at Penn.... and thats with 7s in Math, Phy and Chem at higher level</p>

<p>Uni admissions are very random these days...and incredibly competitive if you are an international</p>

<p>I am predicted 40-43 points (with extra points), but I'm not going to get that. I was pretty hyped up when they told me, until someone asked: "so? are you going to get that?" and I realized I'm not.
I know someone who was predicted 24 and got 36 because she studied hardcore. So much for prediction.</p>

<p>Anyway, point: I got into Vassar College. I know it's not an Ivy but this might help someone. I also know of somebody who was predicted 38 and got in as well.</p>

<p>Oh and I think Wesleyan College (CT) gives credits for standard levels as well, but maybe only half credits. I don't remember exactly. Smith also gives out one-year credit for some people. Check it out (unless you're a guy... :)). </p>

<p>I know that a kid from my school who was predicted 45 got deferred ED from Harvard, and waitlisted RD again.</p>