
<p>I finished my college apps. and now I would like predictions for the results:</p>

<p>SAT I:

<p>SAT II:

<p>GPA: School uses percentages so 97.14 unweighted (weighted unknown)</p>

<p>Rank:4 of 116</p>

<p>Coursework: Highest level my school offers</p>

Cross country:varsity 4 years
Ski Team:1 year JV 3 (including this one) varsity
Track:3 years JV (I intend to participate this year)
Math Team:3 years, 5th Junior in State meet, 1st junior in Eastern ME., assorted other awards I can't remember off the top of my head.
National Honor Society:Grades 11 and 12
USAMTS:honorable mention grade 11
Tutoring: grade 12</p>

AP Calc AB (my school doesn't offer BC)-5
my school usually has only seniors in AP classes so this year
AP English Lit
(the only offered AP I didn't take is music theory)</p>

White Male
Awards for highest average in AP Calc, Freshman Earth science, Bio, and Chem.
For most indicating Mathematics</p>

<p>Essays: Pretty good</p>

<p>So what are my chances at:
Caltech (EA deffered)
MIT (EA deffered)
Harvey Mudd
Carnegie Mellon
Johns Hopkins
Cornell (Engineering(CS) and Arts & Sciences) (My Dad's Alma Mater)
Boston College (Does being Catholic help me?)</p>

<p>Nick, I think you have very good chances at CMU, BC and Cornell. Good luck!</p>

<p>Thanks Poi. Anyone else?</p>

<p>Oh yeah, I am considering doing Calc II online this next semester. How would that change my chances?</p>

<p>I'd say your chance at Mudd is about 40%. Your grade average seems to be very good and your courseload is the most difficult, you say. However, your EC's only have math team as your math/science EC so I'm not too sure your passion transcends school. (Perhaps it really just doesn't read that way to me)</p>

<p>I'd definitely take CalcII online. My school did not offer AP Calc BC though I took it online. It shows initiative and willingness to get hard-earned rewards. So yeah, that may bump you up to 50% chance or so, I'd say.</p>

<p>If you were really such an excellent Chem student, you should have done better on that SAT II. I squeaked through IB Chem with an A- and got a 750 a year later without much study.</p>

<p>MIT and Caltech want strong Math and Science students. You're obviously a strong math student, but not so obviously a strong science student. ACT would have been a good idea.</p>

<p>CR score is a little low... but you can't do anything about it now</p>

<p>i think you have good chances?</p>