<p>Hi! I need some advice about the incoming years but first some information about my backround (please bare with me! :) )</p>
<p>I'm currently a senior at a public high school in CT.
I started out freshman year in honors classes but generally slacking (not doing HW, etc.; classes were easy and I was use to them being easy so I coasted) GPA - 3.3 UW I believe.</p>
<p>Now, sophomore year was absolutely HORRIBLE for me. I for some reason, fell into a slump and actually believed that school was pointless, I didn't want to go to college, etc. I skipped A LOT the last two quarters and even though I had gotten A's and B's (except for in math - D's), I ended up failing 4 of the 8 classes I took because of absences. My GPA for that year was below 1.0, probably around .6 -.7. (!!!)</p>
<p>So, junior year began and I began feeling guilty, regretful, stupid and just wished I hadn't effed up so royally the previous year. I was always in advanced classes my whole life and being in regular classes just didn't feel right for me. I was bored and uninterested. Despite feeling guilty about soph yr, I began skipping again because I felt I couldn't catch up at that point. So, after many personal issues and being diagnosed with depression and going to therapy (I had previous depression issues but none to this extent), I ended up being put into a tutoring program at my school so I didn't have to go to regular classes.
I took three classes (English, US His, Algebra 2) and passed with A's. Out of the classes that I began junior yr taking, only those were offered by the tutoring program. So that year, I basically got my s hit together. Both mental, emotional, and my school work.</p>
<p>Senior year, I came back with a venegance and currently have a 3.5 GPA for the year. (I'm taking the full 7 classes, though they ARE 'easy' and no honors)</p>
<p>So, my final high school GPA is going to be around 2.8 UW, 3.1 W. I did get into all 8 colleges I applied to (3 state schools and others) but I feel like I didn't reach high enough when I applied because of course, my grades had fallen drastically and my GPA at that time was a 2.4. </p>
<p>I am going to college in the fall (Eastern CT State Uni) but plan to transfer after a year or two. Now, here's my dilemma. (for those who have stuck around and actually read/skimmed my whole post, thank you! LOL) I was originally planning to go to ECSU, then hopefully transfer to UCONN or a SUNY and from there transfer to a better school, like Northwestern, Emerson or maybe even Cornell (while maintaining a 3.5+ GPA and doing ECs).
My question is, do you guys think I should try to transfer immediately into UCONN after freshmen yr and then transfer again junior year? Or should I stick out the two years at ECSU and then transfer?</p>
<p>I have given this a lot of thought (obviously; I overthink A LOT) and I believe pretty strongly that while ECSU is a good school, it's also not very challenging. I have friends that went there and they've told me this. I know I haven't even begun college and am already thinking about junior yr and transferring but I am the kind of person that likes to have a plan. I make a ton of lists! LOL.
I also want a school that focuses more on my intended major English/CW track/concentration or CW classes. Clearly, I don't know how I will perform academically at ECSU or even at UCONN but I believe that for the first time in my life, I am ready to actually TRY and commit myself to my education, especially since my parents and I will be paying for it.
Also, when applying to Emerson or Northwestern my junior year, I want to have good grades in hard, challenging classes; hence, the question in wanting to transfer to UCONN sophomore year and do really well in their classes. And since UCONN is known as a good school, with smart kids going there (mostly) and has a solid academic rep, I thought maybe it would look better on my transcript to have taken classes there and have gotten good grades in them. Better than at Eastern. Maybe I'm wrong, or maybe I should just see how the classes at Eastern are like. And go from there?</p>
First Gen
Hispanic (Mexican American)
SATS - 620 CR, 460 M, 600 V = 1680/2400. Bad, I know! I plan on re-taking them by Oct/Nov next year. I didn't prep AT ALL, so this time I plan on prepping (esp. math)
EC's - Had a job sophomore year, volunteered a bit, participated in Rites of Passage Program. Horrible, not much. I plan on becoming involved in a few clubs at college.
Awards - I've won a few writing ones but nothing big.</p>
<p>Also, any other recs/schools I could transfer to (soph/junior yr)? I heard SUNY Paltz's writing/English program is good. I know NW and Cornell esp. are extreme reaches right now; I guess I just want an idea of what schools will be good for me.</p>
<p>Thanks in advance! I know it's a lot to process and understand but you'll be doing me a huge favor! If you have any questions, feel free to ask away.</p>