Premed at UW-Mad

<p>Hi, I’m trying to find out what people think of premed programs at many of the schools that I’m interested in, so I was wondering if you could comment on these things:</p>

<li><p>I’m planning on majoring in biochem, and minoring in psychology, so given this, how big can I expect my classes to be at UW-Mad?</p></li>
<li><p>Is it easy to get to know the professors? Since UW is a public school, it is larger than most and thus, it could be hard to get to know the profs enough and get good recs. So can you comment about this?</p></li>
<li><p>How is the social life? Are the Badgers good at any sports or can I at least watch the packers/bucks if all else fails? What about other social aspects?</p></li>

<p>Comment on any that you please, but any advice would be great. </p>

<p>thanks in advance</p>

<p>1-expect large intro classes. you can view the timetable online on Oct 27, before students register you can add up the available spots...
2 check out the Honors program for tougher classes and more prof contact early on. By the time you are a senior you should have had opportunities to be known to profs for recs, especially doing research in a science. Getting to know profs requires you making the effort, going to office hours (not e-mail).
3 social life-what you make of it. large enough to accomodate all types. Currently football, hockey and basketball do well-don't count on getting tickets. There are so many things to do on campus you don't have to like spectator sports. Even if the team doesn't do well the band is worth it.</p>

<p>Remember, premed is an intention, not a major at UW. You can major in anything you want, just so you take the required courses to get into med school. Take the toughest courses you can, you want the best foundation you can get. Don't forget to take fun courses you can't get in medical school, save the med school courses such as terms and anatomy type courses for med school, they'll make sure you get what you need there. Good luck, I was a chem major who became a physician eons ago.</p>

<p>Explore the UW website- the maps are interactive, showing what's in a given building. Many hills.</p>