premed prereqs at CC frowned upon?

I attended a CC after high school and transferred to UCLA maintaining a 3.6GPA at UCLA exclusively. I've done the majority of my premed prereqs (except 3 classes) at CC. I've heard that med schools don't like prereqs taken at CC? Will this hurt my chances?? Btw, I'm majoring in Biochemistry so I'm taking other science upper divisions. Will the grades from my upper div classes be sufficient to show that I can succeed in a challenging environment?</p>

<p>OP, I've no direct experience but I have spent a whole bunch of time at SDN lately (reading not posting) and the best answer I've seen is this : if you are a CC student who later goes to a 4 year school few med schools will ding you real hard, but if you are a 4 year school student who goes to a CC for a pre-req consider yourself toast. (I believe the same theory would apply to a student at a rigorous college taking organic chem at a less rigorous school over the summer but I could be wrong.)</p>

<p>Retake as many of them at the four-year setting as possible. Otherwise, there's not a lot you can do at this point. One poster on these boards (himself a CC student) reported that some medical schools would flat-out refuse to accept prerequisites done at a CC; anecdotal smatterings around the boards seem to confirm that this is sometimes the case.</p>

<p>Huh, I just went to see my advisor about taking physics over this summer at a CC, and he seemed to strongly support my decision, saying that a ton of premeds do. Will medical schools really frown upon it that much?</p>

<p>List of things that are "minor" by themselves but you don't want to accumulate too much of:</p>

<p>1) C's
2) W's
3) CC courses
4) Summer courses
5) Obvious fluff courses: "Chemistry of the sky," "Trampoline physics"</p>

<p>BTW: "Many premeds do it" is never a good excuse to do something. The median number of acceptances to med school a typical applicant will receive is 0. You don't want to end up like the average premed.</p>

<p>Mm, good point (and a rather discouraging statistic haha). </p>

<p>Well, the main reason I was looking into taking at least one semester of physics at a CC was so that I'd be through with the subject before taking the MCAT junior year, though I admit I'm afraid the CC wouldn't prepare me as well in physics as USC would. Guess I'll take some time to reconsider. Thanks for the advice!</p>