Prep School?

Hey so i live in India and I’m in the 10th grade.

My family and I might move to New York next year so can you suggest which schools i should look at? I would be going to the 11th grade

From what I’ve read online, NY has really good prep schools but don’t usually give admissions in the 11th grade
Also, How hard is it to get in and will they take an international student?

My goal is to get into a really good college in the US


If you can pay full tuition you’re in.

When you say “prep schools” do you mean boarding schools near NY, or day schools in NYC?

That statement is not even close to reality if the OP is talking about highly selective schools.

Day schools in NYC

@starduste The NYC day schools are extremely hard to get into. First, they care much more about development money than boarding schools. So if your family has large donation potential that helps but otherwise its a toss up.

@starduste It’s true that its harder to get into any private school in 11th. But you international status might help you more than you think, in your application you might want to focus on growing up in India/ differences in culture compared to US. Your goal is to make yourself stand out in applications, being an international student is always a bit interesting ;).

P.S. Contrary to popular belief private school is not a prerequisite to good colleges, in fact only a small percentage of students go onto ivy leagues… If you don’t get accepted, it not the end if the world… :slight_smile: Good Luck! :-bd

As @Atria says you do not need to attend private school to go to a good college. The best schools in NYC are not private: NEST+M, Hunter, Bronx Science and Stuyvesant are all vastly better than any private school in NYC

@Center I wouldn’t say that those schools are “vastly” better than the private schools at all, but we can save that debate for another time :wink:

The top co-ed private schools are (in no particular order): Trinity, Horace Mann, St. Ann’s, Dalton, Riverdale, Fieldston, Packer, Grace, Friends. Collegiate is all-boys, Brearley, Spence and Chapin are all-girls. You will need to contact each one to ask about 11th grade openings. The more you contact, the greater the chance of finding one with a potential opening.

Finally, definitely keep in mind that NONE of these schools are a guaranteed path to a “really good college”.