In recognized year - end national rankings , it is worth noting that leading Mid- Atlantic schools were recognized ahead of championship New England schools in several of the listed sports. Kudos to all of the participants and teams.
To add texture, the impetus for this article is a tweet by NY Post columnist Karol Marcowitz, a journalist who makes Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity look like ultraliberals.
"In an email to parents, Horace Mann in the Bronx said: ‘There will be no debating whether a prompt was once, twice, or thrice, if you need to be told to wear your mask appropriately, you spend two days at home, and if it occurs a second time you are telling me that HM is not the school for you.’ "
Fine, except things got VERY lax the last few months among students, teachers and admins and it may take a while for folks to re-learn this. Are they going to come down hard on teachers when they are working out and playing basketball while wearing the old “chin diaper”?
There was even a question Of course it was bad sportsmanship. That’s why many groups, and in some cases, states, have a meet rule in place for competitions below the collegiate level.