Preparing for Microbiology

<p>I will be taking microbiology as a nursing major my sophomore year. However, I'm a bit worried about it because I haven't had any kind of biology since I was a freshman in high school and the material is a bit fuzzy to me. I am wondering if there are any good microbiology or just regular biology preparation books or even video lectures online that I could study to help give me a little boost. I don't want to go as far as taking a non-credit online class because I don't have the money and I plan on doing that for Anatomy and physiology</p>

<p>I've tried searching myself and I haven't been successful in finding anything. Could anybody refer me to any prep books, videos, etc. that would be at all helpful?</p>

<p>Thank you!</p>

<p>I’d look for the same book that was used at that college for the intro biology class. That is the material that the prof will expect people to know.</p>

<p>I have almost no scientific background - my high school was a joke and did not even have honors courses (it was a technical school). My first college bio course, which I took 5 years out of high school, was anatomy and physiology 1 - so I can assure you I knew none of the “basics” - and I ended up getting an A-. I wouldn’t stress too much about studying before you even have the class. Most textbooks will define “simple” bio terms even if the professor does not bother to cover them, so just do your reading and pay attention in class. If the prof does talk about something that you know little about, or are confused about, then make an appointment to chat with them after class.</p>

<p>Thank you for your responses.</p>

<p>NovaLynnx, do you mind if I PM you?</p>

<p>No, I don’t mind.</p>

<p>Get the required textbook for the class and start reading the chapters. It’s better that you read ahead of time so when you go over it class, everything is completely foreign to you. Start familiarizing yourself with some of the names for bacteria. I took microbiology last semester and there was a lot of information. Lab was definitely the “fun” part. Good luck!</p>

<p>Check out this excellent, free site:
[Khan</a> Academy](<a href=“Khan Academy | Free Online Courses, Lessons & Practice”>Khan Academy | Free Online Courses, Lessons & Practice)
Be sure to watch the DNA and cell respiration videos. Those will be very important in micro. Microbio basically goes more in depth on these general biology concepts- have you taken gen. bio? It is usually required as a prereq. If not, or if you want review, that site is great.
You aren’t doomed if the stuff isn’t familiar at all- but you will have to learn a lot more at once and you might want to get a head start.</p>

<p>For texts, most universities use ‘Biology’ by Campbell to teach gen. bio 1 and 2. You can find a very cheap version of an older edition on amazon (<$5). If you have time to read up on anything, definitely see the concepts mentioned above.</p>

<p>Have fun! Microbiology was one of my favorite courses.
I took biology 2 last term and asked to gram stain (central microbio technique)when we didn’t need to.</p>