is it unusual that im excited for microbio?

<p>Im a nursing major and its the foundations course. Im pretty sure its a weed out course but that kind of makes me more accepting of its challenge. From personal experience how was the class for you? Im taking it next semestet. Also how is the lab?</p>

<p>I loved my microbiology course. You will learn microscope skills. For one test we cultured our hands to see what organisms grow on them. I had Staph Aureus. You will see Pseudomonas is green and Serratia is pink when they grow in the petri dish. Good Luck!</p>

<p>I am a teaching assistant for a nursing micro class; i think the students have always found it a fun class! It is fascinating to learn why certain organisms cause diseases in different organs (skin, lungs, throat,etc.) So enjoy it!</p>

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