Preppy College

<p>I want to know if there was a "preppy" school that I could actually get into because I do have learning disabilities and Yale/Harvard are not options. I have between a 2.5-3.0 gpa unweighted, and a 1200 SAT score combined. Please help me!!</p>

<p>What is a “preppy” school? I honestly have no idea what you mean by this.</p>

<p>1200 all 3 sections?</p>

<p>yeah doesn’t mean I’m stupid. I’m not a good test taker</p>

<p>what state are you in?
what can you afford?</p>

<p>Define preppy? Do you mean a certain style dress? Do you mean old money, sailing, LL Bean, or do you mean Southern style Vineyard Vines, overt displays of wealth?</p>

<p>I live in Pennsylvania but I don’t care where its located, anything up to $30,000, and yes old money, sailing, LL Bean.</p>

<p>You need to start with a visit to your high school counselor to get a copy of your transcript. You need to calculate your academic GPA (subtract PE, etc).<br>
Then you need to sit down with your family and run net price calculators (available in the financial aid section of most college websites).
Once you know exactly where you are, you can more accurately create a list of possible schools. College of Charleston might be an option.</p>