preppy schools

<p>I was reading about a school on Wikipedia; it mentioned that it was among the "preppiest" colleges according to the "Official Preppy Handbook".</p>

<p>Just for fun, I looked in the bookstore for this book today, but it is out of print. Does anyone have it who is willing to post the list of preppiest schools? Again, just for fun...</p>

<p>The Preppiest (from The Preppy Handbook):

  1. Babson College
  2. Hamilton College
  3. Hampdon-Sydney College
  4. Hollins College
  5. Lake Forest College
  6. Pine Manor College
  7. Princeton University
  8. St. Lawrence University
  9. Sweet Briar College
    10.University of Virginia</p>

<p>Runners up: Amherst, Colby, Colorado College, Connecticut College,Gergetown U.,Reed, Trinity, Vassar,Williams & Wheaton</p>

<p>The Handbook also notes : “While there is no preppier credential than to have gone to an Ivy League college, there are many schools far more exclusively Preppy in appearance and atmosphere than these eight.” (page 89 The Preppy Handbook, Lisa Birnbach, 1980)</p>


<p>Reed – are you kidding?!</p>

<p>I think that thing was written when I was about 20! (back when they did typesetting by hand).</p>

<p>Reed – are you kidding?</p>

<p>perhaps they were being ironic.

<p>I doubt they were kidding. Reed is quite popular with alterna-preppies.</p>

<p>I don’t think so either. I remember that book from long ago, the 70’s I’d guess, too lazy to google. Most likely 30+ years ago Reed may have been preppier than today, for West Coast preps (if there is such a thing).</p>

<p>I don’t think Reed was considered preppy in the 70s.</p>

<p>St. Lawrence, really? Good thing that I decided not to apply there. =P</p>

<p>In all seriousness, I’m having difficulty considering Reed to be Preppy, but some of the others I can’t argue with.</p>

<p>I don’t think so- I think it was a fairly big hippie school thirty years ago- that was when my neighbor & Steve Jobs would have attended- I didn’t realize Jobs was a huge hippie.</p>

<p>In fact it was considered a hippie commie school by many in this region and when my D attended, I heard from many roughly my own age, who said that they had * wanted to attend Reed* but their parents wouldn’t let them. :frowning:
[iHippie</a> - Ultrabrown](<a href=“]iHippie”>
I do remember the Preppy handbook- but it came out after the Whole Earth Catalog which of course is the " hippie" handbook.

<p>not all preps act like future I-bankers and socialites in college…however, perhaps 30 years ago, Reed was a choice for those who wanted an alternative path to their eventual fate…regardless, whether the preps of the past smoked pot with their professors for 4 years or went skiing in Maine, they all ended up in the same place, pretty much.</p>

<p>fauve - thanks for posting this! Not sure how I’d feel about her scientific methods in choosing this list, especially with Reed in the mix. And wow, I’m impressed that you still have the book! Then again, I still have “Our Bodies, Ourselves”.</p>

<p>All I’m saying is that here on the East Coast, Reed might as well not exist as far as public and Catholic school students are concerned, but there is a small but steady stream of quirky, intellectual, somewhat “outsider” kids from private schools who go there. It’s a different form of preppiness than popped collars or lime-green pants, but it’s preppiness nonetheless.</p>

<p>“alterna-preppies” lol.</p>

<p>I have “I’m OK, You’re OK.” </p>

<p>And I don’t buy the Reed-Prep thing either. However, maybe they are preps in every way but hair and clothes: priviledged upbringing disguised as hippy. Anyone see SNL the other night, and the skit about the white rasta-wanna-be? Maybe he’s at Reed.</p>

<p>well the west coast certainly has their share of dreadlocked white boys playing hacky sack-, but I saw more at Evergreen than at Reed.</p>

<p>Let’s put it this way: My daughter’s green-haired prom date is at Reed. And he’s never seen the inside of a school that wouldn’t be called a prep school.</p>

<p>What kind of a tux goes with green hair? Just curious…</p>