Presidential scholar

<p>The 2009 list of nominees is up.</p>

<p>can you post the link?</p>

<p>Yay, my son is on the list!
[Presidential</a> Scholars Program](<a href=“]Presidential”></p>

<p>Hmm. I’m on that but I didn’t even know what that is. Rofl. Sweet.</p>

<p>Wow. I’m on that list…yet I only scored a 2250 SAT?!? </p>

<p>Perhaps they look at SATII as well? Since I have a 2400 SATII</p>

<p>aha this clarifies it a bit: they only look at CR + M composite. I had a 1570 in AZ to qualify</p>

<p>Ayayayayaya i’m on the list!!!</p>

<p>What’s the criteria to be a presidential scholar?</p>

<p>^ You have to be in the top 20 SAT/ACT scorers (of your gender) to qualify. Sometimes states have more than 40 qualify because they take everyone who ties (so a lot of 1600 scorers get in from CA).</p>

<p>^ it’s sad to think that i missed the list by one question because i misread it :(</p>

<p>Any idea of when we get our applications in the mail?</p>

<p>They were mailed yesterday, so I would assume fairly soon.</p>