Presidential Scholars Class of 2023

My daughter received her nomination for the U.S. Presidential Scholars Program yesterday. The process ends in May with 160 Presidential Medals out of the current 4000. Other than resume padding which comes too late in the process for use, the awards come with no scholarships dollars. Unlike NMSF which can result in financial Scholarship funding, (if chosen to use) its an honor without much financial benefit. We should all be grateful for merit and those who still value the outdated concepts of intelligence and hard work.


My son received the same nomination. I do wish it had come earlier in the application process. Good luck to all the students!


How did she receive the nomination? Mail? Call? School?
It’s such a mysterious process and we were hoping for one over here, but didn’t receive anything.


And a huge congratulations!!


It was an email with pertinent info.


To the parent or the student?

I believe this is the current list of nominees.

On that page is a link to 2023 Nominees. It is by state.

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My three received their invitations by email. They’re going in today to talk to their counselors about it. Not sure if the schools know yet. It seems mostly (all?) based on test scores. Mine were the only three from their schools so it must have been a very high cutoff.

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It starts off by test scores but ends by “solved world peace” etc. lol


Check the link posted above to see if your kid is on the list. I saw a bunch of kids from my D’s school, she isnt there.

Same…… mine not there and a few from his school. He’s the only NMSF from his school so I’m surprised. Still confused by how this works but his act was pretty near perfect. I guess it had to be perfect ?

He needed a top 20 males score in the state. The top score would be 36 36 36 36 =36 as opposed to 35 35 36 36 =36, or something in between. These would be averaged in with the equivalent SAT scores for a total of 20.

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Thats surprising. I checked to see the the ones from our school were in the NMSF list and sure all of them were. From about 40 NMSFs from the school about 4 are in the Presidential list.

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That’s it. I get that. Just still surprised that 2 kids would be nominated to that are not NMSF, but it is what it is!!!

Interestingly from our school, two are in Presidential list. Only one of two is NMSF.

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Has nothing to do with the PSAT. It’s about the ACT and SAT scores.

All graduating high school seniors who are U.S. citizens or legal permanent residents around the globe, enrolled in either private or public high schools, and who have scored exceptionally well on either the SAT of the College Board or the ACT Assessment of the American College Testing Program on or before October of each year are automatically considered for participation.[3]

The United States Department of Education then examines the test records for the top 30 males and top 30 females in each state/jurisdiction. The combined file of scores from the top male examinees and top female examinees are then ranked from high to low in each state. The scores associated with the top 20 male examinees and top 20 female examinees are used to identify the candidates in each state

i get this, but there are way more then 40 kids on the lists for certain states.

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I think it is top 20 plus ties (for each gender).

And there are other ways to qualify other than having a top 20 (by gender) SAT/ACT.

In addition, each Chief State School Officer (CSSO) may nominate ten male and ten female candidates based on their outstanding scholarship, residing in the CSSO’s jurisdiction.

Additionally, the program is partnering with several recognition organizations that will each nominate up to 40 candidates from their individual programs.

I don’t know what the “recognition organizations” are or how many there are.

In any case, I think this explains why there are far more than 40 per state (and well over 100 for some states):
40+ ties through direct SAT/ACT qualification;
up to 20 from each CSSO;
up to 40 from each recognition organization.

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