Presidential Scholarship Invite?

<p>Today , i got an email from Villanova saying I should apply to the presidential scholarship. Do you guys think that means I'm in.</p>

<p>Here is what the email says.</p>

<p>The full-tuition Presidential Scholarship is awarded to academically gifted students from populations historically underrepresented at Villanova who have demonstrated leadership in their schools and communities. The cost of textbooks and room and board charges (up to the 19 meals-per-week plan) for eight consecutive semesters are also included. A total of six scholarships totaling $277,794 were offered to freshmen candidates for the 2008-09 academic year.</p>

<p>As an Early Action candidate, we have surveyed your record and believe that you should consider applying for this scholarship. We have changed our selection process this year. Instead of strictly relying on standardized test results, we will also closely scrutinize such factors as the candidates' leadership potential, civic engagement and creativity.</p>

<p>My stats are:
1340/1600 Sat 710 Math 630 Reading
3.97 Gpa /4.0
All honors one AP. Got a 4 Biology
School does not offer AP.Only honors
I'm a minority and my school is from a minority town.</p>

<p>EC s : Robotics Club 2 years, Drama Club 2 years, Science Olympiad 3 years, J.E.T.S. one year, Gold medal in First Vex robotics competition. Track and Field one year, Worked part time for web desing at an auto dealer</p>

<p>And my essay was OK</p>

<p>Major: Biology-Premed</p>

<p>Early Action obviously</p>

<p>Most probably! Go on the website, and look for the qualifications for the Presidential. It says that your GC has to nominate you. That is a change from previous years. My son has a friend who also got notification that his GC was nominating him. It requires essays and interview. Good luck!!!</p>

<p>I got this email too. It seemed very late, as the nomination form is due Monday. I still haven’t decided if I am going to do it. Congrats, I hope it sheds some light on our admissions decision coming a week from today!</p>

<p>my email said… “Congratulations! XXXXX High School has nominated you for the Presidential
Scholarship at Villanova University.” </p>

<p>apparently my counselor automatically nominates students applying to Villanova. There’s 7 short answer essays that are 100 words max. i’m pretty sure the application is due jan. 7th.</p>

<p>They actually changed my NOVASIS home screen and added Presidential Scholarship at the bottom on the screen that says change information, application status, financial aid, etc. I hope it is a good sign!</p>


<p>Good luck to all of you guys!
My school told me I was nominated to make sure I was interested, because they said only one per school could be nominated, and then I got the e-mail about the Presidential Scholarship.
It says on the website that it’s “no guarantee of admission”, but I’d like to hope that most of the time it’s a good sign. (:
The only thing is, for fellow tri-state area people like myself, I talked to the financial aid office when I visited and they said my chances were “slim to none” for the scholarship solely because of my location, and they knew none of my scores or anything. They said it was because “Villanova is trying to diversify thier population”, and I’d have better luck as a farmer’s daughter in Montana.
Let’s cross our fingers!</p>

<p>Unless, of course, you’re from Montana. Then, uh, well, I’m jealous.</p>

<p>my novasis was also changed with all those features added, was anyones not?</p>

<p>no, see, for you guys it sounds like you were nominated and then it changed. For me it was different. I didn’t plan on applying for the scholarship, hence I did not request to get nominated by a school official. However, a couple days ago they (Villanova) had emailed me saying they had reviewed my information because I was an EA candidate and they recommended I applied. This was completely unexpected and all of my stuff changed before I was even nominated by my school. Basically, they pretty much asked me to apply, or strongly encouraged it based on my stats. I’d like to see that as a good sign! let’s hope and we’ll see what happens. For any student the chances are slim to none, I mean, they only choose 6 students! Good luck to everyone who is trying for it.</p>

Same situation here. I didn’t even know that they changed how you get nominated and what not. It just says you should apply because your credentials will qualify you because you are a minority. I called Villanova admissions and the counselor told me that she couldnt tell me if i was in but she did say that the email was not something sent to everyone. So yea, the 20th. I’m keeping mu fingers crossed because I just got rejected from Vanderbilt. And somehow they thought I was a girl. And yes I wish I was from Montana but unfortunately am from NJ.</p>

<p>Holy crap, now I’m freakin out. What else do I have to do to go to a school better than “that” kid who got B s and C s ? WTH</p>

<p>I received the email as well. It came Friday night, got it Saturday morning, and basically spent all day yesterday (Monday) doing everything I could to get a meeting with my principal so he could do it for me. Of course, I got it done and he was glad to do. As soon as I finished meeting with him, Dr. Nance (the lady who sent the email) called me and told me the deadline was being extended to the 22nd. She had my information as I had contacted her to ask for an extension in case my principal couldn’t get it done on such short notice. Oh well, at least its done. And my best friend, who also applied to VSB EA and is from the same school as me, didn’t get the email.</p>

<p>P.S. I’m not of a minority ethnicity, but minority related to my income level, and I wrote my preliminary app essay about the diversity of my town and stuff like that…only 3/4 more days (when I called the guy told me maybe they’d post decisions on Friday).</p>

<p>wow, that’s awesome! congrats everyone and again, good luck. I hope everyone get’s in and of course, I do not hope you all get that scholarship :wink: But really, have fun with it and who knows what can happen. Also, I am not a minority and I still got the email? Maybe they mean in some other way? We’ll just wait and see!</p>



<p>that makes sense. it will definitely be hard to get this scholarship. nova doesn’t give out much merit aid…</p>

<p>I got in. So I guess it meant what I though it did.</p>


<p>me tooooooo i’m so excitedddd</p>

<p>did anyone apply yet? i just sent in my answers via novasis. those questions were so weird haha. </p>

<p>i’m pretty sure the deadline is the 7th (wednesday). </p>

<p>anyone have any info on the presidential scholarship? like when we find out or how many get it??</p>

<p>i submitted mine today as well. limiting to 100 words for each response was actually extremely challenging. i had to carefully choose the words i wanted to use. i believe 28 normal scholarships were given as well as 6 to the historically underrepresented students. notification of finalist or non-finalist status is on jan 27th.</p>

<p>mine were all over 100 ! like 130 and such. i could not limit myself. 100 words is just ridiculous for such ambiguous questions that had more than one question for some.</p>