Presidential Scholarship Question

<p>As of right now, my ACT score is a 29 (no prep atall) . I can easily get that to a 32, and I plan on it. Let’s say that is a non-factor.</p>

<p>The problem:
My Weighted- GPA is 4.81/5, UW is 4.11/5
So, W- 3.81/4, UW- 3.11/4</p>

<p>You need a 3.5 to qualify for the scholarship.</p>

<p>My HS only sends out the UW on the transcript.</p>

<p>On the UA scholarship FAQ site it says: If both are listed on the official high school transcript, the highest one will be reviewed. </p>

<p>Does this mean that since they would only see my 3.81/4, I would qualify? Remember we are ignoring that I’m not at a 32 ACT yet.</p>


<p>From what others have posted, if you can get your guidance counselor to certify that you have over a 3.5 weighted GPA (preferably by writing it on the official transcript you send to UA and then signing his or her name below it), UA will accept it as proof you have over a 3.5 GPA. Your counselor should be willing to do this since it would get you an $80,000+ scholarship. I recommend calling the UA scholarship office at 1-800-933-2262 to ask for their specific policies and procedures regarding this type of situation.</p>


<p>My HS only sends the Weighted on the transcripts, so UA would see my 3.81/4</p>

<p>Then you’re fine!</p>

<p>My kids’ school only puts weighted as well.</p>

<p>Now, good luck on your ACT…</p>

<p>BTW…take the SAT, too. Sometimes it’s easier to get the 1400 M+CR on the SAT, since you only have to worry/study for 2 sections. But, sign up for both…and get study books. :)</p>

<p>m2ck, you just made my day. Seriously.</p>

<p>Thanks a bunch!</p>