<p>I was just in the HSL forum and there was a thread about prestigious awards, the majority of which I have never even heard of. To be honest, I thought I had a glimmer of a chance for Brown, but after seeing the number of kids who were familiar with these really, really smart awards, I now feel grossly inadequate and underqualified. And just plain dumb.</p>
<p>Just to put this out there - how many applicants to Brown’s class of 2013 have gotten any of these awards/honors, or done some Siemens-Westinghouse thing or an Intel science thing? This is the list from the thread (I copied and pasted):</p>
<p>10 - D1 athlete, IMO/IPHO/ICHO/IBO gold medals, Intel (top 10), Siemens National Winner/National Finalists, ISEF top 3 Grand Prize
9 - ISEF(1st places), Siemens Westinghouse (finalists), MOP, Intel Finalist, Presidential Scholar, Davidson Fellow
8 - TASP/RSI/NIH Research, Science Bowl/Ocean Science Bowl/NAQT winners, USPhO/USChO/USABO/USAMO/USACO national finalist (inclusive of USAMO qualification), Siemens Semi-finalists/ISEF(2-4 places), Intel semifinalist, Scholastic Writing and Art, running your own <em>successful</em> business
7 - Selective summer programs or competitions, such as SSP, Clark Summer Program, ARML top score
6 - USPhO/USChO/USABO/USACO semifinalist, AIME, Science Olympiad National medals, Congressional Award Gold Medalist
5 - National Latin Convention 1st Places Academic Contests, All-Eastern/all-regional music, National History Day winner
4- Perfect Score (multiple years) on National Latin Exam, or other languages, some state awards (all-state music, etc), Science Olympiad state medals, USAMTS Gold, National History Day
3 - All-County music, winning at local/regional science fairs, Eagle Scout, National Merit
2 - Bank of America Awards, most local awards/trophies, essay contests, State History Day
1 - National Honor Society, Beta Club, School Departmental Awards, School Honor Roll
0 - Who’s Who, National Honor Roll</p>