Pretty Much 100% rejected at Stanford... How bout Berkel

<p>School: Top 1000 in Nation
GPA: 3.82 (Somewhat upward trend)
College GPA: 3.81
SAT I: 2050 (Retaking in Nov. Expecting 2100+)
SAT II: 730 Chem, 770 Math I, 780 Math II</p>


<p>National Merit Commended
AP Scholar
Academic Letter
Chase Youth Award
Final Round of Judging in Writing Contest</p>

<p>Work Experience:</p>

<p>Completely developed a website runned by the school district to distribute computers to needy families</p>

<p>Job Shadowed at General Dynamics in 9th and 10th Grade.</p>

<p>Summer Student Support Technology for School District</p>


<p>Chess Club – 9th, 10th, 11th
Piano –3rd – 12th
Table Tennis – 9th, 10th, 11th
MathisCool – 10th</p>

<p>Community Service</p>

<p>500+ verfiable hours on the Website.</p>

<p>Good Recs by Teachers and a very solid essay</p>


<p>Took Calculus BC in 8th grade got a 4.
Literally a S<em>H</em>I*T load of college courses in Computer Science and Math at GU with nearly all As and one B+</p>

<p>how the hell do you take calc bc in 8th grade?</p>

<p>And if he did take calc bc in 8th grade then he is definately in a downward spiral instead of a somewhat upward trend.</p>

<p>If you are in state, you probably are good to go.</p>

<p>BTW recs mean nothing to the UC</p>

<p>Took Calculus BC in 8th grade got a 4. this is funny…</p>

<p>Yeah, I actually got a 6 in AP Calc BC in 5th grade; I really wanted a 7 though… :frowning: </p>

<p>Jokes aside, your stats look good for Cal, especially if in state. It doesn’t really matter if you get 2100+, 2050 is fine for Berkeley…</p>

<p>Extraterriculars? really?</p>

<p>why is this funny. I wouldn’t say I’m in a downard spiral. I just didn’t really focus on sats and high school work. It was always on the college courses.</p>

<p>im having a hard time believing that you took BC in 8th grade.</p>

<p>the GPA might bring you down but I think your application package differs from most applicants by a lot so that might be good.</p>

<p>I’d say match.</p>

<p>Taking AP Calc BC in 8th grade is not really that big of a deal. I know some people who moved here from China or India so they skipped two years of math since they had already covered that material.</p>

<p>It’s not skipping two years of math; it’s like skipping four to five years of math. Also, kids in China and India do not learn calculus in 8th grade.</p>

<p>actually I was referring to skipping elementary school math…</p>

<p>But now that I think about it, this person might have simply self-studied AP Calc BC in 8th grade. I actually know of two kids in my district who are doing that…But then again those people are REALLY passionate about math like likely-to-qualify-for USAMO type of people. This person, not so much. So I guess his credentials are sort of sketchy.</p>

<p>most applicants to berkeley have the same stats as you…so you gotta compete yourself with them. ap calc bc in eighth grade? wow…genius much? you shouldve graduated early. besides that, chances are half and half…you should have some leadership roles in there as well.</p>

<p>I’m OOS btw so that might decrease my chances signifcantly. But actually my emphasis is more on Computer Science which Berkeley is renounced for. That’s been my primary dedication since high school and that is the primary reason why it seems that I have been depreciating over 4 years you know.</p>

<p>re·nounce (r-nouns)
v. re·nounced, re·nounc·ing, re·nounc·es

  1. To give up (a title, for example), especially by formal announcement. See Synonyms at relinquish.
  2. To reject; disown.</p>


<p>re·nowned (r-nound)
Having renown; famous. </p>


<p>lol grammar police aside, you should be fine. OOS makes it harder, especially for CS (which is impacted) though…</p>

<p>Well thats the major reason I want to go to UCB cuz of the cs program. But my chances should be greater than 50 right? Thats what I really care about :)</p>