Pretty Please?

<p>Asian, public high school, want to be pre-med (hoping for HPME)</p>

<p>Rank: top 2% Regorous senior schedule. 4.0 GPA </p>

<p>SAT- math 770 (highest was 790) reading 760 writing 740
SAT II- 750 US History, 800 Math 2, 760 Chemistry
ACT-34 superscored: English-35 reading-35 math-36 science-35 essay-8 (that kinda sucked)
Taken 4 APs with 3 fives and 1 four. Taking 4 APs senior year
Been in band for 8 years. Section leader and been selected for state honor bands.
Doing research at an university near by expecting an published article next year and a presentation at a national convention.
Volunteered at hospital during summer
3 leadership positions at school
Many school awards
National Merit Semifinalist
AP Scholar w/ Honor
Been in a state scholars program past summer
Working part-time during weekends.
Over 300 Volunteer hrs.</p>

<p>Decent essays (I think?)
Excellent recommendations.</p>

<p>You are a strong applicant almost anywhere; not a shoo-in, but very stong. Now stop fishing for ego boosts!</p>

<p>Haha, I second the above poster. You’ll most likely get in, maybe not HPME but I bet you’ll get in.</p>