<p>im a RDer who needs help finishing my application. i’m a math and science person, so i know that is what i want to study in college. however, im not totally decided on exactly which field i want to go into. it could be chemistry, physics, biochem, math, biology…any of these. i put math as my first choice, but i can’t decide on a second. should i go ahead and choose on of the ones where it requires an extra essay even if im not sure? if i put undecided, will that hurt me? i figure i will just write the essay anyway, but i thought id get some extra input.</p>
<p>I think most of us are truly undecided. I chose the disciplines that interest me most.</p>
<p>thanks. thats what i figured. i was just worried that if i showed an interest in chemistry or physics and didnt pick it as my intended major then they would see me as lazy trying to get out of the essay.</p>
<p>I had a similar dilemma with my application - I couldn’t decide if I wanted Human Bio or English as my first choice academic. On my app I put English because my stats for it were stronger (5 on the AP, 36/36 ACT, A+ in the AP class, etc.) but I ended up changing it to Human Bio on the application status page (you can change your first and second choice majors up until a certain point). I also wrote a quick email saying that although I’d just changed it, I still wasn’t completely sure which one I liked more because they’re both my favorite subjects. Something like that.</p>
<p>You could try doing that; just let them know that you’re undecided on a specific field but they’re all in the same genre. Otherwise the AOs wouldn’t have any idea; they could interpret an ‘undecided’ as a real undecided or they could be under the impression that you only like chemistry, for example, and no other sciences.</p>