Princeton and the Arts

<p>How is Princeton in the performing arts? Are there any significant student groups dedicated to these areas? Is Princeton supportive of the arts community?</p>



<p>[Princeton</a> Performing Arts Council](<a href=“]Princeton”></p>

<p>Go to that website and check it out…sorry I don’t really know how to link it put yeah</p>

<p>Olive, congratulations on your early acceptance to Stanford! The creative and performing arts at Princeton are strong. Here is a bit of information that might be useful.</p>

<p>Creative writing is a powerful program with novelists like Nobel Prize winner Toni Morrison (who is now emeritus), Joyce Carol Oates, Jeffrey Eugenides and Chang-rae Lee and poets like Paul Muldoon and C.K. Williams. </p>

<p>[Creative</a> Writing - Lewis Center for the Arts](<a href=“]Creative”>Creative Writing - Lewis Center for the Arts)
[Princeton</a> University - In focus: Program in Creative Writing](<a href=“In focus: Program in Creative Writing”>In focus: Program in Creative Writing)</p>

<p>There is much interest in live theater. McCarter Theater is a major performing arts center. Last year playwright Edward Albee was a visiting professor while he wrote and directed a new play there. The Princeton Atelier and the Triangle Club both allow students to become deeply involved in all aspects of performance and production.</p>

<p>[Theater</a> - Lewis Center for the Arts](<a href=“]Theater”>Theater & Music Theater - Lewis Center for the Arts)
[Princeton</a> University - Lessons from a legend: Theater course offers ‘eye-opening’ insights on Albee from Albee](<a href=“Lessons from a legend: Theater course offers 'eye-opening' insights on Albee from Albee”>Lessons from a legend: Theater course offers 'eye-opening' insights on Albee from Albee)
[Princeton</a> University Triangle Club-](<a href=“]Princeton”>
[Princeton</a> Atelier - Lewis Center for the Arts](<a href=“]Princeton”>Princeton Atelier - Lewis Center for the Arts)</p>

<p>Musical performances abound with strong classical music and jazz programs. A new cooperative arrangement allows students to spend a semester abroad at the Royal College of Music in London and then matriculate there after graduation. </p>

<p>[Princeton</a> University - New program will allow Princeton students to study at Royal College of Music](<a href=“New program will allow Princeton students to study at Royal College of Music”>New program will allow Princeton students to study at Royal College of Music)
[Music</a> - Lewis Center for the Arts](<a href=“]Music”>Music, Dance, and Theater from Your Home Office or Couch)
[Carpenter</a> '08 serenades NYC - The Daily Princetonian](<a href=“]Carpenter”>
[Wired</a> Campus: Student Laptop Orchestra Performs at Carnegie*Hall -](<a href=“]Wired”></p>


<p>The best place to start researching the performing arts at Princeton is the website for the Lewis Center for the Arts which you’ll find here:</p>

<p>[Welcome</a> - Lewis Center for the Arts](<a href=“]Welcome”>Lewis Center for the Arts - Princeton in service of the imagination)</p>

<p>Thank you so much, PtonGrad2000! I was hoping you’d post on this thread. I will definitely check the links.</p>