<p>Hey DanishBoy!!! Wow!! Those are some awesome scores!!! But I bet you won't score as highly on my special two question test!!!</p>
<p>Fill in the blank:
1) The antagonist (I'm sure you know that vocab word, you got an 800 on the verbal! Wow!) in the story of the three billy goats gruff is a __<strong><em>.
2) To go fishing by dragging bait behind a moving boat is to _</em></strong>__.</p>
<p>Here's a hint!!! The answers are the same!!!</p>
<p>By the way, I'm impressed with this thread. For a group of self-proclaimed smart students, CCers seem rather gullible. I also wonder about the state of geography teaching in American high schools if people ask "DanishBoy" whether he's asian...</p>
<p>slipper, that is the most asinine comment i've read in this forum....georgetown is no guarantee and not much easier to get into than princeton....duke actually has a higher rate of acceptance than georgetown, so you need to do some research and stop misleading people....honestly, you guys need to give ucb and gtown more credit</p>
<p>Thank You Guys For your Comments, And now for my friend HdM245...</p>
<p>To Answer Your Question.. </p>
<p>Fill in the blank:
1) The antagonist (I'm sure you know that vocab word, you got an 800 on the verbal! Wow!) in the story of the three billy goats gruff is a <strong>troll</strong><strong><em>.
2) To go fishing by dragging bait behind a moving boat is to _</em>troll</strong>____.</p>
<p>So I believe the answer is troll since both answers are the same but hmm haha I havent read that story since I was very young :)!!
Anyways Did I Score Higher than You thought I would on your 2 question Special test, :)</p>
<p>'For a group of self-proclaimed smart students, CCers seem rather gullible. '</p>
<p>Excuse me? I highly doubt this guy is a troll. Furthermore, I got a 5 on my ap history exam and I did not even care to think danishboy was from denmark, I don't think there is anything wrong in someone asking whether he was asian or not. Especially when you have people in the forumn with usernames 'negro' when they are truly white.</p>
<p>"Excuse me? I highly doubt this guy is a troll"</p>
<p>Let's look at the facts:</p>
<p>1) It is quite literally impossible to become a National Merit Semifinalist as a junior (as he posted) earlier, so we know that (at least) he is lying.</p>
<p>2) Gratuitous exclamation points, golly gees, etc. appear to me to be fairly tongue-in-cheek.</p>
<p>3) "But I mean it really isnt that difficult, at my public school i might add, but no one else is taking all ap's even though I'm sure they could get all A's since there are some very intelligent people." </p>
<p>This reads like a (quite scathingly accurate, by the way, props DanishBoy) caricature of the typical "oh humble me" CC student who knows he's just plain smarter than everyone else. Also the fact that he notes that 1000 people got the max SAT score, as if this makes it less of an accomplishment.</p>
<p>4) Post was the first ever post--new account with outrageous first post screams troll.</p>
<p>Will no one agree with me on this one?</p>
<p>BTW indian, i'm sorry if the geography remark offended you. I suppose he could have been of asian descent but from Denmark. I was thinking "from Asia" or "parents immigrants from asia to the US."</p>
<p>nah, none taken, hmm now that I look at it, maybe he is a troll, well, we'll never know, damn I hate giving advice on imaginary admissions chances..<em>sigh</em>..lol anyways sorry for the hostile comment hdm, later bro =)</p>
<p>Thank you hdm - i posted thinking ppl would pile on the sarcasm - guess not. This is a lesson though I suppose; learning to read subtext will help you immensly (sp?) on the SAT.</p>
<p>Even worse, he puts down those stats and people tell him low chance - you guys need a reality check.</p>
<p>When I saw "Danish Boy" I thought of the pastry - I figured he was just a cheese danish enthusiast.</p>
<p>man, this guy must have like no life whatsoever, maybe he's like schizophrenic, I mean he actually spent time typing all this stuff out and thinking of it, jeez..I must say there are really some psychotic individuals out there..</p>
<p>yeah, that's what I thought too Ali G, didn't think of him being from Denmark at first, that's why I didn't think of the asian question to be irrelevant.</p>
<p>Hi Guys, Im confused are you calling me a troll? Thats the answer I gave you so Im wondering HDM245 if your previous statement had a bit of skepticism... As for The Semi Finalist, no where did I say I was a semi Finalist in Fact I mentioned twice already that when I was listing awards I was writing in The Future, Ex How i Said I was on Honor roll everytime etc. How could that be possible If I havent even completed every semester... Anyways, I would like to clarify again that I am not a National Merit Finalist or Semi, but hope to become one...
Finally, xindianx and hdm245, Did I say something wrong? Im confused, Are you saying im psychotic and made all this up because I was just asking a simple question for my post to see what you believe Princeton would do in my Situation, not to make up a lie to have fun?..
Anyways, Sad and confused :(</p>